Sunday 4 January 2009


it's 4th of January.... the first entry of 2009. I need to start off the year with something memorable. IE, it's gotta be a really good entry. so i cracked my head for a bit, what to write what to write... then it occurred to me that i could also be really bad and still be memorable. haha, pressures off, writing a bad entry is easy peasy lemon squeezy.

so, i watched this very bad movie (Hamlet 2) 2 nights ago. this dude introduced himself as Heywood, as in Heywood Jablomey. It took me almost half and hour to realize it wasn't an ordinary name. i have a feeling that 2009 is gonna be a slow year for my mental growth...

I made an interesting discovery today as well.

Did u know that Katie Holmes is Tom Cruises' "beard"? before u bang table and tell me it's old news, i have more for you. Katie was the 4th beard choice. Jennifer Garner, Jessica Alba, Scarlet Johanssen (in that order) were Tom's choices before he decided on Katie. The former 3 rejected or never made it to "audition". AND AND... Katie went "missing" for 16 days prior to the breaking news that she and tom were an item. No she didn't go missing cos she wanted to get a boob job or correct a deviated septum, but SPECULATIVELY she was at scientology camp getting brainwashed.

This begs the question...

How does brainwashing work anyway? Maybe Katie sat in a chair while Frankie Goes To Hollywoood's Relax plays in the background... if u don't know what i'm talking about u need to watch Zoolander (brainwashing videoclip attached, starts at 2nd minute, watch at ur own risk!)


karma chameleon said...

I was soooo tempted to buy Hamlet 2 when I was at Tom Shop! 2009 is kinda getting off to a slow start for me too. See you soon!

Gingerblossom said...

hahaha... I love that brainwashing video. cracks me up all the time

lovexiaolongbao said...

KC> are u back? dun buy hamlet 2, i pass u my copy.

Gingerblossom> hehe, mugatu damn funny.