Monday 31 March 2008

farewell heather...

To lifelong friendships, and new beginnings... All the best Heather!

For more pictures:

Thursday 27 March 2008


When Kate Walsh had a bridezilla moment over wearing the wrong bra for her dress, i thought, pfff!.... i'll never be like that.

Today, i understand. Beneath every strong and independent woman, lies is a bridezilla.

My sis told me today that mom okayed Shannon's dress. I was totally taken by surprise because i didn't okay any dress. i went on to vent over msn...

i have a theme and why can't everyone actually consult the bride before anything i thought i told so and so this is my requirement how can it just go ahead without my approval and i am the bride not them do you know how difficult it is to plan a wedding when you are overseas and i have a full time job and i have to juggle this and why is what you described so far from what u showed me how can u mistake gold for champagne they are 2 totally different colours and i thought i told u white roses not gold how can gold roses look like real flowers............................

Okay I exaggerate abit, i didn't exactly say these word for word but i could have easily felt that way. I told my sis that next time i become a bridezilla, slap me outta my moment... I have been such a good girl at keeping my cool!

Imagine blowing a ballon. U blow one breath it wouldn't break. U blow a few more huge breathes it still wouldn't break... but once u've blown so much air in the ballon accumulatively and the rubber passes its point of elasticity, the balloon will burst even with just a teeny weeny breath of air.

Anyway, here are some funny pictures of really "gorgeous" bridezillas... I'll think of them when i feel myself turning into one.

Lester Beware...
This is my favourite, its actually scary...

Monday 24 March 2008


A city famed for petty crimes and excellent food. My maiden voyage to guangzhou was better than i imagined...

The GOOD Food
Indeed, delicious. This is charcoal burned Oysters, with garlic, ginger and chili...

Frog-leg and shrimp porridge. So wholesome and so delicious.
I also had fried beef kway teow with sambal, it so divine. i gobbled it up so quickly i didn't take a picture of it...
Throughout my trip, i held on tightly to my dear bag. I was so afraid someone would mug me. I walked really fast everywhere i went, just to minimise the time i'd be on the streets. i'd try not to walk on my own...My colleagues thought i was afraid of losing my way in a new city, but i'll always tell them... 我不怕失踪。我怕被抢!

and The UGLY Hotel...
jesus, mary and joseph! this is the most seriously obiang place i have ever seen!

Whoa....... so grand right. I was very tickled by everything in the hotel. From the high ceilings, to the diamond encrusted door knobs. I'd stay there again just for the heck of it. haha.


I love a movie that leaves behind a lingering feeling, it doesn't have to be really intensed or funny or clever. It just makes you feel like u'll remember for a long time. ONCE is a show that does just that for me.

A modern love story. Relationship develops between guy and girl over a common love for music.

The plot offers minimal conflicts, straight and simple, but backed by a very powerful original soundtrack written and sang by the protagonists themselves. Glen Hansard, male lead actor is originally from the Frames.

Definitely OSCAR worthy, this song snapped one up for best music.

(Actually this song is not an original, but it was from the Frames)
Lester and I been putting the songs from the show on REPEAT.

Tuesday 18 March 2008

No matter how white you are ... would always have spots of black. Or cases of gray.

Cousin Irena shared 2 very insightful articles from Today Weekend. They happen to speak to my current life experience.

on working...

It's one of those days i don't want to see the world, and the world wouldn't want to see me. I want to stay in my PJs and watch DVD all day. I want to have my space, and be worried about absolutely nothing.

But i can't. It's only tuesday. I want to smile, but no actually i really want to sleep.

It's been a hard 2 weeks. Saturday and Sunday were full work days, 14 hr schedule per day... A business trip the week before, and one more looming in 3 hrs.

I don't know how some of my colleagues can work overnight till 9am in the morning, go back take a shower and come back at 12noon. It's not what the body is built for. Unless i have jet lag and can't get to sleep, i protest working by midnight. I am not saying that the company makes us do it, but i don't understand why there can't be better time management on everyone's part. Timelines, deadlines, progress reports are all in place for a reason.

I tend to respect those who are balanced in this respect. Knowing when to retreat, knowing when to take a break, and when giving 120% is not worth it.

Monday 17 March 2008


Ever since we came back from Singapore, we've been apart for quite a lot...Lester's been to Beijing, then NewYork, then Beijing again. I've been to ZhengZhou, and will be in Guangzhou from tomorrow to friday.

On top of that, weekend OT have become quite common, if we didn't work in the same company, i don't think we'll ever get to see each other.

But the separation i think also makes the little time we have special. Not enough time to quarrel and be pissed with each other. We've also become very efficient,

Tuesday 11 March 2008

crazy celebs update again reported that britney who is worth 100 million will now get a pocket money of US1500 a week as she's under some co-conservatorship program.

I think if britney had any bit of sanity left, this may be the straw that'll break the camel's back. I will be confused about the effects of this on me if i were britney. She worked hard, her mom pimped her childhood to hollywood and all she gets is USD1500 a week...Not to mention the weakened dollar, luxurious travelling to other countries is virtually not possible.

Worst of all, she's been robbed of the most useful treatmeant known to mankind- retail therapy.

On a more serious note though, i think the answer to what britney needs is simple. GOD. I know she's a celebrity, but she still can use a prayer from all of us. When life seemingly let you down, i don't know anyone else who'd make things right. May God Bless Brit...

Tuesday 4 March 2008

Crazy Celebs Update

Precocity has gone to new heights, Mary-Kate now needs grandma specs.

Monday 3 March 2008



Another year... Happy Birthday Les.

its Aileen, Daren and Lester's birthday again...This was us a year ago at South Beauty.

And a year later...

We celebrated the birthdays at Kim Soon's house. We brought our own ingredients and made our own pizza!! Kim soon made the dough, it was yummy, light and crispy!

Lester having a go. The pan was wet when he made his pizza so the dough broke and it became a calzone.
Me and my pizza. Half Bakwa, half seafood.
And we lo-heied! Ming yen prepared and it was yummy!
To Lester:
This is just the beginning of many more birthdays to come. I may not always be the first to wish you, i may not buy you the best gifts, i may not plan the best parties, but i will always be here. For the rest of ur birthdays...
Happy Birthday darling. love you.