Thursday 27 March 2008


When Kate Walsh had a bridezilla moment over wearing the wrong bra for her dress, i thought, pfff!.... i'll never be like that.

Today, i understand. Beneath every strong and independent woman, lies is a bridezilla.

My sis told me today that mom okayed Shannon's dress. I was totally taken by surprise because i didn't okay any dress. i went on to vent over msn...

i have a theme and why can't everyone actually consult the bride before anything i thought i told so and so this is my requirement how can it just go ahead without my approval and i am the bride not them do you know how difficult it is to plan a wedding when you are overseas and i have a full time job and i have to juggle this and why is what you described so far from what u showed me how can u mistake gold for champagne they are 2 totally different colours and i thought i told u white roses not gold how can gold roses look like real flowers............................

Okay I exaggerate abit, i didn't exactly say these word for word but i could have easily felt that way. I told my sis that next time i become a bridezilla, slap me outta my moment... I have been such a good girl at keeping my cool!

Imagine blowing a ballon. U blow one breath it wouldn't break. U blow a few more huge breathes it still wouldn't break... but once u've blown so much air in the ballon accumulatively and the rubber passes its point of elasticity, the balloon will burst even with just a teeny weeny breath of air.

Anyway, here are some funny pictures of really "gorgeous" bridezillas... I'll think of them when i feel myself turning into one.

Lester Beware...
This is my favourite, its actually scary...

1 comment:

Ada.Ada.Aja said...

bwahaaahaaahaaaaaaa elllaa ella you really outdid yourself this time... =DDDDDDDDDDDDD