Sunday 24 April 2011

Much ado about hair.

Hair is an underrated body part for men, but for women it's nothing less than our crowning glory. Over the years, i've done it all. Rebond, relax, perm, digital perm, multi-digital perm, bleach, highlight.... I'm surprised my hair don't look deep fried (at least on most days it doesn't). And that's because i spend way more time and money to undo the harm than anyone can imagine. Conditioners, treatments (home and salon), home remedies which involves mayonnaise and beer, i was that desperate.

I've been using Frederic Fekkai's Brilliant Glossing series on and off for almost 1 year now. I especially like the glossing cream but the results are quite temporary. Somehow using the same hair product continuously creates some sort of diminishing effectiveness over time. Still, it's the most effective product i've used to date.

But now i'm on to try the latest Moroccan Oil Treatment after reading Lisa's blog and the rave reviews on forums. I can't wait. Spring/Summer (ie humidity) beckons so i better have something on hand to tame the mane.

But what i can't wait to try is the Brazilian Blowout (sounds kinda dirty). A revolutionary hair treatment that leaves your hair salon-blowed everyday for 12 weeks. *drool* I wonder if Singapore has this already?

Monday 18 April 2011

Mountain Boy Updates

Haven't done his monthly updates for quite a while now. He turned 19 months about a week ago and i finally found some quiet time to write. The change in nanny has been quite hell-ish for us cos he wants to sleep on our bed all the time. His naps have just gotten better and he has just started to sleep past 12 midnight in his own cot.

Developmentally, he jumps like a big kid. He used to be able to jump only without shoes but now he can lift off wearing shoes. He goes up and down the stairs pretty much unassisted. He climbs tables and chairs and everything dangerous. He can pretty much drink from a cup now, though i still prefer the straw bottle to reduce the potential spills. I have no intention of changing him to fresh milk yet so he's still sucking his milk bottle.

Speechwise, he is still on 2 syllables. But lately he started stringing 2 syllables together. He can't make every sound yet (like words that start with K). Although we speak to him in english, he is starting to show that he is bilingual. He knows words in both chinese and english and will say them when you ask for a translation. Most of the time he verbalizes the easier version first (ie 飞机 instead of aeroplane). He definitely comprehends instructions in both languages.

I know that the Terrible Twos is just around the corner for him. During this period the child develops his own agenda but has limited means of expressing himself, so he gets frustrated when the adults misunderstand his needs or when things don't go the way he wants. So as a result he tends to throw more tantrums or vent his anger in other manners.

Already Mountain Boy has started exhibiting some pretty violent behaviour such as hitting, pinching and pushing, but it's mostly channeled towards either myself or the nanny, not other kids (thankfully). I do sometimes flare up when it really does hurt and i'll make him cry. But being fierce mostly doesn't work on him. Actually i don't know what works, sometimes i get quite desperate and i know Mountain Man can identify with the feeling especially after spending an extended period of time with the boy. Sometimes i really want to smack him!

It's gonna get harder. I sometimes wish i had more family members to fall back on so i can take off somewhere and have a holiday for a few days.

Friday 15 April 2011

New hat for summer!

He stood in front of the mirror to giggle and admire himself for a few minutes.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Boo! Designs by Lovexiaolongbao

I'm on etsy!

Never have i dreamt of starting my own clothing line, and i never thought i would start my own business. But one day i was inspired. So I took one step, and then another and another and another.... A few months later I saw the birth of my very own collection- a little eclectic, somewhat granny, kind of bohemian.

I currently have 3 main designs (more to come).

The Wrap/Shawl/Long Cardigan. Long ends can be tied into a knot, or slung over shoulders. View more here.

Butterfly Top. Not that it matters but this top is made from one single piece of cloth (not two pieces together). It covers my big butt/hips and it's very comfortable to wear. View more here.

The sundress. The first dress of my collection. The straps are adjustable and can be worn 3 ways (halter, classic, crossback). The belt not included, but belt can also be worn at the hip, or belt-less! View more here.

Most of the designs can accommodate a range of body types, even pregnant/nursing women, they are generally "freesize". Some people might think there is no such thing as "freesize", well i agree on that so i also offer customization of certain pieces (Blue Magnolia, Salmon Stripes, Grey Wilderness, Coloured Forest).

Go visit The Shop. Buy, browse, drop me a note if you see anything you like. =)

Mountain Boy is doing great

For those who've been wondering how Mountain Boy is recovering after the incident, he is very much well and alive, the stitches have come off, he is itching a little but it's overall healing perfectly.

We are barely making it though. The new nanny has been around for almost a week and Mountain Boy is blowing hot and cold. Sometimes he refuses to let her touch him, sometimes he waves goodbye to me and voluntarily plays with her. The sleeping has also been affected, we're basically co-sleeping now and he kicks up a fuss during naptimes so i break all the sleep-training rules. It happens i guess. Mountain Man and I are officially just tired all the time. 1 whole week of not sleeping through and i'm completely destroyed. Poor Mountain Man still has to go to work and have important meetings in Chinese!

Anyways, here's a cute video of the boy doing his favourite action song. I've been wanting a good video of it for a long time so i'm glad he was finally cooperative in front of the camera. Watch out for his expression at the end.

Saturday 9 April 2011

The One

For the record, finding the right nanny is harder than finding a husband. I've had more nannies in 2 years than boyfriends in my lifetime.

With much regrets I let go of my last nanny, the one whom I thought was The One. She was efficient, clean, pleasant looking, but she just ain't the right fit for Mountain Boy. After almost 5 months of being with us, he still rejects her.

She also has a bunch of problems I could no longer ignore.
1. She is hard of hearing. Sometimes she doesn't hear when I call her, and it also causes her to do chores really loudly which forced me to have her to stop working when mountain boy is asleep.

2. She mispronounces her Ls and Ns. Its a big problem, one day the boy said "neng" instead of "leng" for cold.

3. Not nurturing. He hasn't learnt to speak that much chinese and I blame her. Really I do. Instead of teaching him that cat is "mao", she says "xiao mao mi" which is so much more difficult to learn. Then she took my advice so literally that she started cutting down 3 words to 2 and it even doesn't make sense. Like "dui bu qi" becomes "bu qi". Huh? Dumb right?

4. She takes advantage of my generousity. Besides being my most highly paid ayi, she also spends the most money on herself. She goes grocery shopping for us but ends up buying her own stuff and forgetting our stuff. And not just that, she buys the anti-aging and whitening range of products ok!
She is very choosy with food, and has no qualms about telling me that she likes sunmaid raisins, post cereal, and that wheat bread and mantous are not nice.

5. She is quite troublesome. Always asking me to buy stuff for her on taobao. Not only that she sometimes ask me to return them do you know how troublesome that is!! As if I have so much time. And she is always asking me for skincare advice, like which sunscreen, what kind of make up etc etc. Its just very irritating coming from your nanny.

6. She is stubborn. I asked her to put the trash can in the landry room next to the kitchen instead of the kitchen itself cos the boy likes to play w the trash can. I told her at least 5 times, I even physically put the trash can in the laundry room myself before finding out the next minute that it is back in the kitchen. I asked her to pin up her hair to prevent her fringe from pricking her face and it never happened. I even bought her a row of hairclips. 0ne day I physically took a hair clip and pinned it for her.

See these are just some small examples of her transgressions. She also has some serious attitude problem and likes to talk back. She says stuff to me that my chinese friends say an ayi will never say to a local chinese family.

So there, I am finally letting go despite wanting very much to keep an ayi for longer than 4 months- yeap tts the average lifespan.

On a happier note the new one arrived yesterday. I asked mountain boy 3 times if he likes her and he said "ess!" all 3 times. That's a good start.

Friday 8 April 2011

Sad Boo Boo...Dylan continued

If you haven't heard already, this one is funny.

Shanghai Xin Min Newspaper printed a headline article about Bob Dylan's debut performance in China BUT they put a picture of Willie Nelson instead. Whoops. Embarrassing....Someone or some people will get fired for this i'm sure.

Anyway the setlist was censored by China's Culture Ministry for political sensitivities. Bob Dylan was denied to perform in Beijing a year ago because he refused to sign a pledge promising "not to hurt the feelings of Chinese People".

I'm glad he changed his mind. Mountain Man and I expected to go in not knowing a lot of the songs (to quote Mountain Man "Just wanna see him before he dies") but surprisingly he played quite a number of old favourites.

1. Gonna Change My Way Of Thinking (Bob on keyboard)
2. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (Bob on guitar)
3. Beyond Here Lies Nothin' (Bob on guitar)
4. Tangled Up In Blue (Bob center stage on harp)
5. Honest With Me (Bob on keyboard)
6. Simple Twist Of Fate (Bob on guitar)
7. Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum (Bob on guitar)
8. Love Sick (Bob on keyboard)
9. Rollin' And Tumblin' (Bob on keyboard)
10. A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (Bob on keyboard)
11. Highway 61 Revisited (Bob on keyboard then center stage on harp)
12. Spirit On The Water (Bob on keyboard and harp)
13. Thunder On The Mountain (Bob on keyboard)
14. Ballad Of A Thin Man (Bob center stage on harp)
(1st encore)
15. Like A Rolling Stone (Bob on keyboard)
16. All Along The Watchtower (Bob on keyboard then guitar)
(2nd encore)
17. Forever Young (Bob on keyboard and harp)

Thursday 7 April 2011

Date night: Bob Dylan Concert!

Miss those days when we could just take off somewhere and watch any concert we want. The performance was great. 2hrs of non-stop singing (or rather growling), he didn't address the audience at any point. No fancy theatrics, just bob and his band jamming.

I have to find the set list, he did three encores.