Sunday 24 April 2011

Much ado about hair.

Hair is an underrated body part for men, but for women it's nothing less than our crowning glory. Over the years, i've done it all. Rebond, relax, perm, digital perm, multi-digital perm, bleach, highlight.... I'm surprised my hair don't look deep fried (at least on most days it doesn't). And that's because i spend way more time and money to undo the harm than anyone can imagine. Conditioners, treatments (home and salon), home remedies which involves mayonnaise and beer, i was that desperate.

I've been using Frederic Fekkai's Brilliant Glossing series on and off for almost 1 year now. I especially like the glossing cream but the results are quite temporary. Somehow using the same hair product continuously creates some sort of diminishing effectiveness over time. Still, it's the most effective product i've used to date.

But now i'm on to try the latest Moroccan Oil Treatment after reading Lisa's blog and the rave reviews on forums. I can't wait. Spring/Summer (ie humidity) beckons so i better have something on hand to tame the mane.

But what i can't wait to try is the Brazilian Blowout (sounds kinda dirty). A revolutionary hair treatment that leaves your hair salon-blowed everyday for 12 weeks. *drool* I wonder if Singapore has this already?


gerry said...

yep SG has it. but it's ex!

judebabe said...

I did a search on the internet, Singapore has the Brazilian blowout. but 3 days of not washing hair in this humidity and heat. Puts me off.

judebabe said...

I want to try the Morroccan Oil treatment too...
My fried fine hair needs it for the summer!
Where are you getting it from? Taobao?