Tuesday 18 March 2008

on working...

It's one of those days i don't want to see the world, and the world wouldn't want to see me. I want to stay in my PJs and watch DVD all day. I want to have my space, and be worried about absolutely nothing.

But i can't. It's only tuesday. I want to smile, but no actually i really want to sleep.

It's been a hard 2 weeks. Saturday and Sunday were full work days, 14 hr schedule per day... A business trip the week before, and one more looming in 3 hrs.

I don't know how some of my colleagues can work overnight till 9am in the morning, go back take a shower and come back at 12noon. It's not what the body is built for. Unless i have jet lag and can't get to sleep, i protest working by midnight. I am not saying that the company makes us do it, but i don't understand why there can't be better time management on everyone's part. Timelines, deadlines, progress reports are all in place for a reason.

I tend to respect those who are balanced in this respect. Knowing when to retreat, knowing when to take a break, and when giving 120% is not worth it.


Jen said...

i belong to the category u tend to not respect..i simply suck at time management....and also becos i cant say no or maybe am worried about saying no...so in the end, its always a time crunch for me..yes, i respect the other camp too..and want to be in that camp too.....

Ada.Ada.Aja said...

jia you ella... know how u're feeling.. was going through it myself.. those awful feelings when u wonder what's worth it :S read my latest post... but watever it is, life has a strange way of extending itself and breaking through it. hang in there dear coz... n u'll see what's worth it or not :)