Monday 21 February 2011

Brotherly love

I'm starting to grow a little homesick. I must admit it's more for Mountain Boy than for myself. He really is missing out on the family attention back home. In Beijing he has no cousins, uncles and aunties or grandparents, just friends who are hardly the same and not so permanent given the high turnover for expats.

Here are some really cute moments of Mountain Boy and his cousin from Mountain Man's side of the family. The 2 boys walked hand-in-hand all day during a trip to the Bird Park. It was so sweet and they had a lot of fun.

In case you're wondering about the leash, it's not cruel it's actually safety device to help kids know there are boundaries and in the long run they will learn how to hold your hand. I get weird stares whenever i put it on Mountain Boy (although in Jurong Bird Park tourists thought the wings were cute and asked to take a picture with him), but you know what this beats losing your child, trust me it's not a feeling you want to experience. Also it's better for your back cos you don't have to keep bending down all the time!


J said...

Long-time reader, but first time commenting. :)

I love the wings! (where did you get it from?) And am in agreement with you on the benefits of the leash!

Lisa said...

mountain boy has the biggest eyes ever!! so adorable..

i don't have kids yet.. but i totally agree with the leash thing.. i would rather have my child on a leash.. then fear losing him/her.. or having the child run into the street onto an incoming car..

JenlovesBal said...

They are too cute!

We also used a child harness on our son when he was about your DS's age. Better safe than sorry. I guess its more common in the US since I see it all the time here.

lovexiaolongbao said...

It's not like i tie him to a chair while i enjoy a leisurely breakfast.

J> Got it from, some local seller. It's really cheap if you're interested to get one drop me an email.

lisa> He does have "bright" eyes, not really big but the pupils are lively. And yes i do recommend the leash when you have kids, especially if they are fast runners.

JenlovesBal> Thanks for reassuring me that it's a good thing to do.