My cousin (Kat) imports these lingerie from the US into Singapore. They are a bit on the steep side, but everything is so pretty u'll squeal.
Can online browse/shop here.

Which Heroes Character Are You? | |
You are Sylar. You are very aggressive. You like to pick fights and play mind games. You've got it coming. | |
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Which Desperate Housewives Character Are You? | |
You are Lynette. You are hard-working, responsible, and mature, but you are easily stressed-out and often feel trapped in your own life. | |
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Which Friends Character Are You? | |
You are Joey. You may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but you're unrivalled when it comes to the opposite sex. You're a great friend, going great lengths when needed. Remember: your friends are your lifeline and you'd better not leave them behind. Success will be hard to find without them around. | |
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Before Pussycatdolls.... there was the SPICE girls...
Although this is a far cry from the kind of energy they used to have, i still heart them. AND GUESS WHAT, they are coming to SH!!!! ARGGHHH freak out freak out. I hope its not one of those days tht i'm back in singapore if not i'll be incredibly upset.
I've had 2 lessons so far.... the teacher is some chinese girl, she's quite pretty. Not the typical curvy turkish lady...Its harder than it looks. Especially when u try to coordinate ur upper body with ur lower body and then move ur hands and feet at the same time.
Anyway, i hope all the hip shaking and butt crunching will help me loose my extra flab. This is Heather in action...
Can u imagine ur mom rapping instead of nagging? I can't decide which is more effective...
My favourite is the IT guy...
Step 1: Remove the Apron...Its basically that piece of flap on the underneath of the crab. It gets seriously gross at this point but just get over it by focusing on the roe...
Step 2: Remove the top shell... Roe Roe Roe...
Step 3: Remove the gills and start EATing the ROe! Basically after this step, u can eat it however u like. Leg first, body first, top shell first. Oh and remember to dip in vinegar!
As you can see. I am very willing to be unglamourous for the sake of hairy crabs.
Satisfaction guaranteed...
Last step, Wipe ur hands and mouth!
Can even buy the chef suit... Lester is curious about the anatomy of a female mannequin.
Super huge ladel... Its a weapon. I look like i'm selling it... "you can use it to scoop up monkey's brains and it'll remain intact"
This is super cute. Corn Holders in the shape of a pig. So random! Its the type of thing i wanna buy when i see, but then i don't cos i figured owning this will not vastly improve my life, or make it easier.
Large Chopping boards... i imagine for butchers.
The rest of the time in-between was spend watching The Office, which by the way deserves all the golden globes or emmy's they've got. Steve Carrel isn't the only star of the show, Rainn Wilson-who plays the character Dwight Schrute is also incredibly talented. I started the show really hating him, but then slowly i realised tht i enjoy his segments the most. The Schrute has a fan, he'll be pleased.
Here are some memorable quotes...
Dwight: Whenever I'm about to do something, I think “would an idiot do that?” and if they would, I do not do that thing.
Dwight: Here’s my card. It's got my cell number, my pager number, my home number and my other pager number. I never take vacations, I never get sick and I don't celebrate any major holidays.
Dwight: I am fast. To give you a reference point I am somewhere between a snake and a mongoose…and a panther.