Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Don't cane Kartika!
New Email names for you!
Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail.
Hurry before someone else does!
Monday, 24 August 2009
Discovering Maternal Love
As i was soaping myself, i looked down n i spoke to T. I told him to be healthy n it'll all be worth it.
Suddenly, i felt a new feeling, something quite unlike anything i've experience. Its powerful and amazing. 37 weeks into my pregnancy, I think i've just stumbled upon maternal love.
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Thursday, 20 August 2009
My baby literature
Love & Honesty
New Email addresses available on Yahoo!
Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail.
Hurry before someone else does!
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
Delivery room tour
It's time to pack my bags! I'm officially full term tomorrow.
The battle of the universe

Ok maybe the picture above didn't do her justice. Here's another. She's not THAT bad, very typical chinese beauty. Fair, long limbs (chinese are generally taller than singaporeans, especially the sichuanese), long hair, kinda sweet looking.
Miss Rachel Kum- uh...Sorry Singapore. Try again next year.
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
wook mommy, wobots...
Can't wait for u to come out T, ur robot friends are waiting!!
Monday, 17 August 2009
The Suze Ormon Show
I don't know if u've ever caught the Suze Ormon show. If u're not acquainted with her, she's this loud mouthed opinionated all american financial advisor who hosts a financial talk show on CNBC (NBC). Basically she answers queries from any members of the public who are faced with any financial dilemmas. She's totally fun to watch, and her financial advice is pretty good.
There's also a special segment in her show called "can i afford it?". People will write in to tell Suze what they wanna buy, show their financial profile and Suze will either DENY or APPROVE.
For example, some people may wanna buy a new car or a new guitar, and based on their monthly income, savings, insurance and credit record, Suze will determine if the purchase is sensible.
So over the weekend, there's this lawyer who wanted to buy a 3 carat engagement ring for his girlfriend. Here's the brief TV-conversation...
Lawyer: Hi Suze, i would like to upgrade my gf's engagement ring to 3 carats, priced at at XYZ amount.
Suze: Are u freaking crazy to spend THAT amount of money on an engagment ring when u already bought her one!??? U're abit nuts in the head (and she continues insulting him abit more). But anyway, SHOW ME THE MONEY.
Lawyer: well i earn X amount, i have Y amount of loan at Z percent interest, i have A amount in savings and i am XX years old.
Mountain man: Hey, tht sounds like me...
Suze: you know what, i'm gonna tell you that it's the dumbest purchase u'll ever buy. U're obviously a little whoopy in the head...
Mountain man: yah lor this guy is crazy...
Suze: but u know what, u can afford it, APPROVED.
me: Hahahahahhahahahahahhaha....(this goes on for the next few minutes)
Mountain man: woah lau... this guy obviously doesn't have a baby on the way ok.
I felt triumphant even though i'm not gonna guilt him into buying me an upgrade (yet), despite having gone through SUCH a difficult 9 months.
Sleep tight my baby..
Mountain man bought the paint from Singapore's SPOTLIGHT. It's non-toxic so it's baby safe.
Sunday, 16 August 2009
Thursday, 13 August 2009
My phone for some weird reason CANNOT input chinese characters. I've spent almost 2 days trying to figure out what was wrong. I jumped through various hoops and still NOTHING.
The nokia website is totally buggy and slow. And the nokia care centre customer service is not only unhelpful, she made things worse! She basically made me RESTORE my factory settings for no rhyme or reason- ie i have to freaking reinstall my personal emails (this is not a big deal) but also my office mail which is so arduous cos company IT has to get permission etc etc etc...Now i have to redownload all my applications- which is still faster than using PC suite to back up the infomation.
Tht still leaves me the problem- how do i input chinese characters? it doesn't make sense that a 100dollar phone can do it and a phone 10 times the price can't!!!!!!!
Search. browse and book your hotels and flights through Yahoo! Travel
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Left out
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
One more month...
I can't wait to:
Wear high heels.
Go out to clubs n not worry about the smoke.
Head to the salon n do something drastic.
Eat peanut butter.
Fit into clothes i bought but never wore.
Get a manicure n pedicure wo worrying bout the smell.
Get eyelash extensions.
Go on a diet.
Fit into my engagement ring.
Run. I never thot i'd miss running.
Send instant messages to your online friends
Feeling Maternal?
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Hari Singapura
Saturday, 8 August 2009
Dentist chair
I am dentaphobic, have been since i was 7. I blame it on my pr school dental nurse. She fixed so many of my cavities at one go without anaesthesia, n she told me tht i had to attend a boot camp to brush my teeth 247 if i wasn't diligent in keeping my teeth clean. Tht left such a huge psychological scar tht i hardly went to the dentist since graduation. The longer the length between each visit, the longer (n more painful) each visit is.
Mountain man on the other hand loves going to the dentist for some psychotic reason. But its One more reason to love him cos ever since i met him, he's forced me to keep my half yearly appts diligently. And true enough, each visit is becoming more n more pleasant! Hee hee. *flashes her healthy pearlies*
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Before and After
Importing contacts has never been easier.
Bring your friends over to Yahoo! Mail today!
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
We're so thankful!

A funky Baby Bjorn carrier!! Just what we need on days we don't want to lug the pram. Perfect for Spring/Summer. Courtesy of Pat(Mountain Man's best man) and Ferne (his wife who did our wedding invites/Mass booklet).

Heather and I are ex-colleagues/roomates-on-company-trips/friends and we were commonly known as the "playful ones" who joked around and laughed alot. How apt of her to give me the gift tht most reminds me of her. An educational PLAY mat for T! I've always wanted one of these for my babies.
This is a portable diaper changing mat from Fiona. Although she's a new mom herself, she's been giving me very good shopping tips. I saw her using one of these and saw the need for it, especially in China where bathroom are so dirty and ill-equipped.
Folded view:
Opened- up view:
Tada... The little pockets on the side can contain diapers, wet tissue, diaper cream etc etc... (Monkey not included)

Aren't we lucky??!! Mountain Man and i say MOOCHAS GRACIAS to the uncles and aunties. T says "thank you!" from the bottom of his tiny growing heart.
Try cool new skins, plus more space for friends. Check it out on Singapore Yahoo! Messenger now.
T@34 weeks
Monday, 3 August 2009
Guilty pleasure
Crafty Sunday
I finally developed photos and put them into photo frames! i've been procrastinating on this task for over a year. It was a nice mental journey putting these together. The wedding, the perfect honeymoon, our holidays.... I miss all of that.
New Email names for you!
Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail.
Hurry before someone else does!