Mountain man started complaining why we keep showing the same programs over and over. I told him that kids like predictability and they feel smart when they know what's coming. To which mountain man said,"no wonder i used to watch Top Secret a 100 times"
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Black box
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Monday, 20 September 2010
Menu for 1
- Swear to not fight about food with your child. Read properly, not fight for food, but fight about food. The bigger the deal you make about your child's lack of appetite the bigger a deal eating becomes. A parent should respect their child when they say enough is enough.
- No short order cooking. When your child does not want what is being served, don't offer alternatives. Because these smart little alecks will soon learn that if they don't like the food they can always have something else. Tough luck you clever tots!
- It's not about that last bite. It's very asian to wipe our plates clean, but our plates is not the same size as our stomach. Very often our plate serving is 30% more than what our stomachs can take. So again, listen to the child. Don't do the... "come on, last one..."
- It's important to build a healthy relationship with food. Food is just food. It's not for comfort.
- Don't use food as rewards. Often we hear parents say, "you finish your porridge u can have chocolate". This will have 2 side effects- you elevate the importance of chocolate in your child's mind(see point 4), and you open the door for endless negotiation with your child. But rewarding food can be used in rare circumstances like after a vaccination, or finishing passing an exam.
- Healthy eating habits starts in-utero. So pregnant ladies better eat healthy!
- Don't feed when they are off the high-chair. Or rather, don't chase them around with a bowl. You'll never get your child to sit on a table for the next 5 yrs!
- Give them a multivitamin if it puts ur mind at ease. Some parents worry their kids are not eating well enough.
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Autumn in Beijing
Old pictures
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Tot loves CAKE
Friday, 17 September 2010
1st Yr: Actual birthday

Monday, 13 September 2010
1st Yr: Letter from Mama
Sunday, 12 September 2010
1st Yr: Actual Day

Saturday, 11 September 2010
1st Yr: Preparations!

Friday, 10 September 2010
Daily Snippets: He's just not that into you
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Perfect companion

Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Turns out he is a stacking genius! He can do the stacking rings over and over and over.... I only accidentally found out when we went to this coffee place and they had a bucket of toys to entertain patrons and their children.
Monday, 6 September 2010
Daily Snippets: I need to unjinx my hair
Enthusiastic little shopper
It gets very chaotic when i'm alone because i cant watch him, do my shopping and clean up after him all the time. In fact one time at the supermarket i got so tired of repacking his stuff that i decided to throw all of it into the shopping bag, as a result i came home with close to 10 rolls of trash bags!
Something funny happened today though. We were making a quick run to the nearby supermarket to get some veges and he insisted on unpacking the babyfood shelves. I thought oh dear here we go again. But surprisingly, after he unpacked he repacked! He was so busy rearranging the glass bottles, moving them from shelf to shelf. And then he proceeded to the candy bar section and did the same thing!
We then brought him to muji and i was so surprised he didn't rummage through the knee high displays, he merely touched them and walked off.
So grown up isn't he.
Saturday, 4 September 2010
My baby is a megastar!
Friday, 3 September 2010
Did anyone catch SALT? Was Angie gorgeous or what? She definitely did something to make her lips poutier than usual.