Monday, 26 December 2011
Thursday, 22 December 2011
Botak doll
She looks so much chubbier with her hair off!
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Saturday, 17 December 2011
1 month into this world and already you've brought so much joy into my life. Your coos, and aas and the girly noises you make when you suckle. You are eating well, in fact so much that you never say no to more milk You were born so tiny but it seems that you are thriving well outside.
My love for you grows each day. We are going to spend so much time together in the coming years and I just can't wait.
Happy First Month my beautiful Lilybuff.
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Mother of 2
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Equal isn't always fair
Honestly, I've no guilt over this. Neither child is favoured or neglected. Time in this household is divided according to individual needs, not according to meticulous calculation of 12 hrs each day per child. The priority is given in order of importance and urgency. I would love to observe Lilybuffs bathtime, be a bystander and do nothing but watch her being bathed by a perfectly capable nanny but I think Mountain Boy would benefit more from the evenings that we spend together. Similarly, I tell Mountain Boy that breastfeeding time is important to Lilybuff because she needs to eat and grow, and he respects it and backs off.
In a nutshell, the aim is to learn to respect each others needs (including parents') instead of always calculating how much time I spent w child A versus child B. In all fairness, the only way to give each child equal time is to neglect them both totally.
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First pets
On the flip side, we now have a fish tank! We promised him a fish yesterday and I didn't expect Mountain Man to come home with 9! I'm not looking forward to them dying on me because I don't want to explain death to a 2 year old, and I feel very eeky about dead fish. I may have to just keep buying and replacing before he realises.
Anyway, he was very excited about being a first time pet owner.
Ayi(addressing me): 今天去超市要买设么?
Mountain Boy: 买鱼!买鱼!
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Bulk Purchase Begins!
Monday, 28 November 2011
T-shirt project: Hands
But one of the things we do a lot is create art pieces because it keeps him interested. In our latest project I bought a couple of plain Ts and fabric paint. In our first attempt he wanted an outline of his hand and mine. He then helped to create these beautiful blotches all over the sleeves and back using his palms and fingers. I won't say its nice but I praised him for his attempt at creative conceptualisation. Looking forward to create the next T.
Saturday, 26 November 2011
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
10 days old!!
Also, happy to announce that she will now be known as "Lilybuff" on the blog because that's what Mountain Boy calls her. A huge upgrade from Baby 2 in my opinion.
Monday, 21 November 2011
The one before I popped
Winter is coming (reference Game of Thrones fans out there)...
Sunday, 20 November 2011
He likes carrying his "mei mei" but gets bored quickly n says "dowan dowan". He says her name is "E-li-ba-buff" emphasis on buff so its quite hilarious.
Of course he gets jealous too but the occurrences are minimal and reasonable. Let's hope this continues..
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Elizabeth Ng
She was born in the morning of Nov 14, 2011. She weighs 2.6kg and is 50cm long. We've both returned home and recuperating as well as we possibly can.
I'll share the birth story soon.
Thursday, 10 November 2011
He is down with this mega terrible throat infection so no school and art class this week. I very reluctantly took out an old paint set and let him do his own thing expecting a catastrophic clean up afterwards, surprisingly he didn't go smack an swish swosh on my paper walls. In fact the paint never went beyond my coffee table.
For this piece, he painted each of his finger a different colour and went "stamp stamp stamp", the colours came out beautifully like fireworks exploding. He had a little help from mommy but he did it mostly by himself.
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Friday, 4 November 2011
Letter to Mountain Boy: We will always love you

Feeling a lot better
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Sick mama
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Halloween Hooters

Thursday, 27 October 2011
Halloween Costume reveal!

Friday, 21 October 2011
Artist at work
45 minutes later I went into the room again and saw this little guy wearing an apron that ran all the way down to his shoes, busy doodling with his 10 fingers and 2 palms. He merely looked up at me to show me his maroon palms and then continued to work on his masterpiece. Considering how at school he is usually the first to rush out of the classroom to hug me, this came as a shock.
The teacher commented that he was very experimental in his brushwork and use of paint. At the end of the lesson I had a tough time bringing him out of the room, which I guess is a good thing right.
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Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Nail Marbling
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somethins brewin for halloween...
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Thursday, 13 October 2011
Diamonds are a girl's best friend...

This is a "push present" I'm giving myself. Sparkles and smiles at me all day.
Some info on setting options:
The 4-prong setting versus the 6-prong or basket setting has a a key benefit of allowing more light to enter the diamond. The height of the setting also determines how much light can pass through. A higher setting gives the illusion that the diamond "sticks out" and is therefore bigger. But IMO if setting is too high and the diamond is so small the ring looks a little too wannabe. My current setting is in fact a little too high for my liking, need to get it fixed when i get back to Singapore!

- Carat. Because size is the first thing people notice.
- Cut. When a diamond is badly cut, it doesn't sparkle, or it doesn't look round. Go for at least GOOD cut. If you have to choose between shallow or deep diamond depth, go for shallow because a "fish eye" effect is more tolerable than a deep dark centre look. Plus shallower diamonds also mean bigger table, ie bigger looking diamond.
- Colour. D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K, L, M N.... I know there are people who feel that color matters, but i've seen with my own eyes how J compares to F, and frankly the difference is not worth fussing over, especially if the cut is good.
- Clarity. If you haven't seen the diamond physically, go as low as SI2. Some (but not many) I1-I2 diamonds can still make the mark depending on where and what the inclusion is. Some inclusions are right smack in the centre or rather feathery so it results in a cloudy spit-like look so that's definitely a no-no. But if some inclusions can blend in with the diamond then don't worry, unless people start carrying a magnifying glass in their purse. Some experts say that I1-I3 diamonds are so flawed that the diamond may chip, so keep that in mind. The recommendation is not go lower than SI2.
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Mountain Boy is billingual!
Monday, 10 October 2011
Go "green" with handbags...
- Keep all tags, dust bags, receipts.
- Invest in brands and models that have good resale value. LV and Balenciaga retains their value pretty well, Chanel classic designs are very good investments because the actual retail price increases every year and there's a huge 2nd hand market. I've not sold any other premium brands but just by looking at ebay trends, the contemporary and sub-premium brands don't sell as well. I'm not sure about Bottega Veneta, but i'll find out some day. *snigger*
- Care for your bag. This is something i need to work on but it's hard protecting your bag when your toddler thinks its a stepping stone to mommy, which has been the fate of the Miu Miu Bow Satchel that was gifted by Mountain Man for Christmas last year, now it looks rather like roadkill.