I'm a few days late with this update. Our resident energiser bunny is now 17 months, Yipeeee! Half of the 16th month was spent in JKT-SG so i'll update more on that later.
His speech has developed the most this month, well it's about time. He says a number of words regularly now, like "ball", "bye bye", "hello", "hi", "没有", "不要”, "no no"... With the increasing ability to express himself comes the realisation that he doesn't have to comply to all my demands. I used to get him out of his bath relatively quickly in the past but now a simple "say bye bye to the bathwater" won't suffice. I need to do a 3 minute countdown, say the "bye bye" and take away all his bath toys to prevent him from lingering.
Sometimes I am in awe of the amount of things he understands. One day i told him that i didn't have money so we couldn't go out grocery shopping, to my surprise he gave me his "money" from the cash register! Good habits start young, hehe.
Physically he is nearing 10.5kg and about 83cm tall about 1 month ago. I haven't measured since but i know he has grown because he can climb all over the place and turn the handles of our doors! So we must make a mental note of always locking up behind us in case he barges in while we do important business.
Deep within, Mountain Boy probably yearns to be adults like us. He has been trying on our shoes, hats, sunglasses... brushing his teeth with our electric toothbrush, and just now he took Mountain man's electric shaver and tried to shave his "beard"! I took a picture of it but i haven't uploaded yet.
Over the past month, i've also been given a preview of the upcoming Terrible Two. While i was nanny-less, he really spared me no mercy. Case in point, he got his hands on a tub of flour, spread it all over the kitchen and took out all the utensils and made a "muachee" (a singaporean dessert made of glutinous balls coated in peanut powder) of everything. After that he'd walk round the house leaving flour footprints. To make things worse, the lack of housework experience on my part caused the gravest error of trying to clean up the mess with water. FLOUR+WATER = bad combination for clean-ups, trust me.

The self-feeding is improving by the day. In the past he'd projectile spill from his high chair over a radius of 2metres, now it's down to 1metre and on a good day no spillage. He still likes eating with his hands but accuracy of bowl to spoon to mouth has increased, but still he doesn't eat enough according to the kiasu parents standard so i do have to distract him and stuff a few mouthfuls at the end.
He likes noodles more than rice. Once i served him 3 meals of rice in a row and by the 3rd meal he flung the entire bowl unto the floor before the meal even started. Thankfully i mustered the patience to not smack his little head. In the end, he went to bed without dinner because i decided not to offer alternatives.
Despite both our transgressions in the 16th month, amazingly we're still holding up well. Let's hope the new month will be full of interesting adventures.
Happy 17 months my dear!