Wednesday 9 January 2008

Trading names, exchanging vows...

I feel compelled to announce that we've e-filed our ROM. We have officially declared to the gah-men that we are getting married, Les calls it biting the dust...

Come 18 February, i'll trade my very long surname for a very short one. I can't imagine what life will be without my very long surname. I used get a lot of flak for it... I was called Antasusuma, someone even told me my name means Sh*t in her native indian language.

I remember when i used to play mood court in church(basically a mockery of court scenes for silly offences), i'd be charged with having too long a surname- waste paper, waste time, waste ink... And i got charged with a double offence the 2nd year. wht to do...

But no i'm not really anxious to trade it to Ng. Ng is boring, the best Lester could come up with was the sound u make when u do a number 2.

Anyway, we've been deliberating writing our own vows. After having gone to Heather and Mark's wedding which was uber touching, i'm convinced that i will cry if Lester says anything that is not funny or rude. Maybe i'll have to ask the JP to finish my vows while i bury my head in the ring pillow bawling my eyes out.

Its incredibily silly.

On a more serious note though, i think its really sweet to write your own vows, only because its a personal promise, and words one will remember for a long time. I dunno. we'll work something out i guess.

1 comment:

heats68 said...

I will definitely miss calling you An-ta-ku-su-ma!!
But you know what, taking your husbands name doesn't mean you give up your old name. Even if you do it officially, you will always be Stella Antakusuma, and no one can ever take that away from you.

And yes... like i said to you, i highly recommend writing your own vows. It is very painful to do, but very very rewarding!