Saturday 24 October 2009

Draught, Bottled or Frozen?

T has a variety of options when it comes to his meals.

A. Straight from the breast
B. Expressed and bottled
C. Frozen and defrosted

I haven't tried option A since he rejected "it" (or rather "them") when he was about two weeks old. So he's been on option B ever since, this has worked well for the both of us cos he doesn't fuss, and my life is quite regulated and predictable with a 5 hrly expressing schedule.

A trip to the PD today however reopened option A. Babies below 2 months are apparently not overly choosy with the modes of feeding and can toggle between the breast and the bottle. Draught milk is the freshest and best for baby, also promotes mother/child bonding. So despite bearing the fear of rejection, i still put him to my breast today. Surprisingly, he gladly took it. Not surprisingly however, he wasn't satisfied with the draught milk so i still had to supplement feed with bottle.

Option C is not really recommended. Somehow the milk taste changes when frozen and defrosted. A friend even claims that it tastes "metallic", not sweet and refreshing like draught/bottled milk.

So mothers. Like a good beer. Draught is always best.

Here's some snapshots of T and I. T is nursing some eczema from potential shellfish allergies passed on from my breastmilk. U know what that means??? NO BLACK PEPPER CRABS!


Daphne said...

No black pepper crabs would be depressing news on any day. I'm just curious about the mother who said it had a metallic taste- she probably had to gulp down quite a bit to arrive at that conclusion. All I can say is mothers, don't try this at home - without a kitchen sink/toilet bowl/paper bag near by.

Unknown said...

Wow Ell.. you look fresh and well-rested! how did u do that..?

Yuling said...

Woo he's rounding out nicely! So chubby and cute!

I'm the opposite. Raeann only feeds by option A, until I went back to work part-time, and she had to go for options B and C. This mommy is lazy to pump, so milk on the tap is the easiest!

judebabe said...

u look great! :-)

lovexiaolongbao said...

daph> i guess at least a mouthful to determine metallic taste? it's not too bad i spose. Sucking booger out with mouth is WAY grosser.

Jie> the secret is.... make-up and ahyi!

Yuling> believe me, i wish i can do option A. but he don't want!

angie said...

Dylan look stout! The susu works

u look pretty! u are slim already

yuling said...

It gets harder before it gets easier (eh, I hope I make sense). Mine rejected like crazy the moment I brought her back home - she was all fine and dandy at the hospital with the nurses' help (murphy's law!). :( Cried non-stop, refused to latch, but obviously hungry. Baby and mommy both cried. Thankfully things got better after a few tiring, PAINFUL feeds. Hang in there - once he learns how to breastfeed properly, you can say bye bye to regular sterilizing and pumping and cleaning bottles! :)

lovexiaolongbao said...

thanks judebabe!

Yuling> hehe, i'm happy with the pumping arrangement. As long as i can keep my milk up...

Corsage@A Dollop Of Me said...

Happy for you that you have another option now :) Enjoy the experience. I was just thinking the other day when feeding that this will only last for a couple of months - and to treasure it!

h o b o m o b o said...

Haha. I like your theory of Milk vs Beers.

Were you wearing the starry blouse on purpose? Together with T you look like American flag. Haha. :)