Sunday 31 January 2010

Flu Fest

It's been almost 2 weeks since my last entry. I haven't had the strength or the time to write because our family had been nursing successive flu infections. First T, then me, then T again and finally Mountain Man.

T got hit the worst because he got 2 different infections. The 2nd one was extremely potent because it also gave him a fever. The flu wiped out his appetite completely, at times he ate less than 30ml per feed. He has also lost all sense of routine because he keeps falling asleep every other hour. To make matters worse, he also suffered from a febrile seizure - his back was arched and his eyes were rolled backwards for a good 30 seconds, it really scared the shits out of us.
And as if the flu weren't enough, my nanny also had to leave because her mother has cancer. So to sum it up, it's been the most horrible 2 weeks.
Now i must attempt at introducing some semblance of a routine back into T's life. I need God's superhuman strength!


Esther Teo said...

Thank God, you guys are up and well again. Do take care.

Yuling said...

That's a rough two weeks! Hope everyone's fine now. Routine-wise, I think T will gradually adjust back, or maybe dictate a whole new routine altogether, so don't be too hard on yourself. Take care, babe!

Corsage@A Dollop Of Me said...

oh dear :( It must have been really really awful for the all of you! Take good care. I'm sure T will be back to a good routine again soon. Hugs

judebabe said...

Must be scary to watch your child having febrile seizure.
My friend's baby had seizure right infront us. We were panicking!

Take care.

Unknown said...

Stella I hope everything is fine... what did the doctor say?

Fern Green said...

oh dear! take care u guys! yes the flu bug these days is really potent! send our love to baby D and les yeah. and u too must rest as much as u can to recover soon!

Angie said...

Seizure ! Shannon used to have that too.. be careful! Was it due to the high body temp?
I hope the 3 of u are well by now..

Angie said...

Seizure ! Shannon used to have that too.. be careful! Was it due to the high body temp?
I hope the 3 of u are well by now..

lovexiaolongbao said...

ET> thank you. Feeling better already...

Yuling> well said! I'm dictating a new schedule!

Corsage> Yes. But praise god tht we're all better. He has really come through for us, He gave me alot of strength.

Judebabe> Yes it.was.freaking.scary. I felt so helpless.

Jie> Dr said tht febrile seizure is relatively normal. Just keep his temperature down and roll him over to the side to prevent choking. I didn't know all that until after it happened.

Angie> Shannon also had? Wht do u mean be careful?