Monday 1 March 2010

5.5 months

4th to 5th month is supposedly the most exciting period for a baby. There's an overall increase in alertness and a greater awareness of their own bodily functions. Whilst there is tremendous progression during the day, sleeptime suffers from an equal regression- a baby who normally sleeps through the night will now tend to get up in the wee hours to "practice" his newly acquired skills. You must think "wow, how cute is that!". In reality, not so cute. I've been waking up to roll T back into position, i was on the verge of duct taping him to his bed so i could have a bit more sleep.
Having said all that, we're very proud of T's recent developments. Even the part-time Ayi said that he "grew-up" after not seeing him over the weekend!

He recognises mommy and daddy! Today he reached out to me for the first time. Mountain Man and I have been taking turns to reach out to him so he's been ding-donging between us the whole day. hehe.

Who needs stacking blocks when cheap paper cups can achieve the same! T had fun squishing and chewing and destroying the paper cup pyramids i built.

He managed to find a cable taped behind the poster.

" I solemnly swear I am up to no good"

He also started his first taste of real food!! I let him try chewing on some steamed carrot sticks the other day, but it was rather uneventful because the sticks were very slippery so they fell on the floor in a matter of minutes. He couldn't bite off anything because i didn't dare to make the sticks too soft in case he chokes!

The steamed brocoli "trees" were abit more interesting. He happily gnawed on the branches and leaves in this video.

"look ma! I made a dent!"

He obviously didn't have enough so he moved on to his bib after that. hehe.

Can't wait for the actual 6th month mark. I am so ready to start him on solids!


judebabe said...

They are at such a very fun stage right now!

There was one night, Amanda woke up every two hours cooing happily in her crib. :(

I would like to start Amanda on solid but don't quite what to start her on!
Started her on baby cereal 2 days ago. Maybe I will try steamed veggie too!

Dylan hairstyle is sooo coool!!!

lilsnooze said...

Oh you put your photos on the poster! So cute!

Angie said...

u will scream when the first 2 little teeth sprout! I did!

karma chameleon said...

I like the poster with your pics on it hahahaha. funny!

lovexiaolongbao said...

judebabe> the steamed veggie is just for fun, he can't actually eat anything... I think u can go get the Annabel Karmel and the First Foods book from Kino, they have good meal planners and ideas.

lilsnooze + KC> i think it's a better way of teaching him who papa and mama is!

Angie> i know i am so excited!

Jane said...

He's so clever to find the wire, hahaaa. Love the photos you taped on the poster!