Wednesday 10 March 2010

I'm not dead....

....just really really really spent. I haven't had a live-in nanny for close to 2 months now, so it's been non-stop night shifts, early morning wakes and on top of that i'm still expressing once at 3am.

For the sake of sanity (and our marriage) we've decided to convert back to a full-time-live-in nanny. Finding good help is not an easy process. I've interviewed close to 15 nannies in the last 1 week. I've been through 1 who quit on me after 3 hours (am i that bad?), and I finally found one today who is acceptable, SO FAR.

Despite my complaints and the so called "hardship" we've been going through, i'm grateful for quite a number of things.

  1. I've gained more confidence in caring for T. The last nanny commented that I wasn't able to care for T on my own because whenever she went on leave something would happen to T (like he'll get a rash, or a red butt). I felt very angry that she dared to spew such nonsense, I knew she was trying to hurt me because our relationship had turned sour towards the end. But at the back of my mind, i knew I had relied on her so much that i never had the confidence to take a stand and do things my way.
  2. Our mother-child bond is definitely stronger today than it was 2 months ago. I love our bedtime routine so much. I read him the same Thomas and Friends storybook every night, say a prayer, look into his eyes and hold his tiny hands before putting him to sleep on his tummy. He can now sleep without patting or holding or rocking, he just needs to hear my voice and know that i am there.
  3. Routine routine routine. I am a believer of routine. T has never been more alert, happy and well-rested. On the contrary, me following T's routine strictly has allowed me more flexibility with my own time because i am not a slave to his unpredictability. I know when he sleeps and wakes so i plan my activities around it. I'm lucky that i discovered T needed a routine quite early so training him was quite easy.
  4. Family time. It's so easy to become lazy when the nanny is around. Just leave T at home while we go out and spend "adult" time. But without the nanny, we're forced to bring T wherever we go, and it's so surprisingly enjoyable! I do feel like we're spending quality time as a family and it brings us so much joy and satisfaction when we see how happy T is.

All in all, I'm just really grateful for the way things are.


Jen said...

who is the ah yi in the videos then? is it different people in diff videos?

judebabe said...

Feeling the same way as you!

Taking care of amanda after the nanny left was tiring but fulfiling. hehee!

I am contemplating between a live-in nanny or one that comes in daily during 'office hour' (if I can find a good one)...

but I also think live-in help is better for the marriage too. hee!
Can have occassional date nights!

Little Miss Snooze said...

Good help is really great for our sanity and time. And so glad you can see the good, despite being helper-less these 2 mths :)

Now that nat is older, he tends to want to be with us more. But at least his usual needs are well taken care of by my helper when we are at work.

Corsage@A Dollop Of Me said...

You're enjoying motherhood bliss! In guess not having an ahyi for a while is a blessing in disguise :) I need to do this routine thing too. Bubbles had one before she hit 5 months but it has been unravelling since then...

Mimi said...

these photos taken at home?? what is this? you look gorgeous just staying at home! how can?!

heats68 said...

You look so gorgeous darling! And T does look so very happy!

Unknown said...

so lucky u can interview 15 nannies.. i think in indo there is a maid crisis! :(

lovexiaolongbao said...

Sorry for the late reply... i've been super tired lately.

Jen> different ayis. I'vr had 3 in 6 mths.

Judebabe> i think live-in better la. U can choose to adjust the involvement level at least.

LMS> COuldn't agree more. Luckily i found a pretty good one, FOR NOW.

Corsage> do it soon. It's painful but u'll realise the benefits.

Sally Cinnamon + heats> ahyo, make up la.

Jie> employ philippino??