Monday 5 September 2011

Toilet Training Part 2

Okay, somebody, anybody, if you know the secret and won't tell me i'd... i'd.... okay i don't know what i'll do except get really angry. Someone out there PLS TELL ME HOW TO GET A TODDLER TO POO IN THE TOILET!!

I've even invested in this 300RMB potty seat and it's about to become a white elephant! But to be fair before i got this potty seat he refused to even sit on the toilet bowl, now at least his bum is on it but he just can't complete the deed.

Mountain Boy is a pee-pee champion now. He is basically off diapers except during nap time and night time. Even when he is very excited he knows how to tell us he needs to pee. But when it comes to poo, he prefers to do his business in diapers. In fact he has somehow accidentally regulated his poo-poo schedule to after naps because that's when his diapers are still on.

Yesterday i made sure i removed his diapers right after he woke up so he won't have time to "cultivate" the sensation to poo but he ended up not pooing. Okay... so today i waited till he had that "i'm about to poo" look before removing his diapers and somehow the poo just magically gets sucked back in.

What do i do now? Do i offer rewards? Do i wait till he is more "ready" and when is "ready" really ready? Do i just let him constipate in the hope that he'll eventually poo? Please help me!


The Kam family said...

I heard of a few mummies who experienced the same with their toddlers. The advise is not to force, if he prefers to poo at diaper, let him be till he is ready ready. Constipation is a much worse problem than not being fully toilet train. Eventually he will, for sure, poo in the toilet, no hurry. Good luck!

Jane said...

I think he's already very good to be pee trained. I also agree with Kam that constipation is a worse problem than being fully toiled trained.

I haven't even started toilet training my boy, who's turning 2 next week!

Vi said...

hey u should be glad he get pee-trained - it's supposed to be harder than poopy-trained!

does he have a pattern? like he goes before/ after every meal or time of the day? if you know, you can try letting him sit and wait for a few minutes. may be he will be able to poo if he's feeling comfortable and familiar with the toilet trainer?

let him read books, play toys etc while on the toilet seat so that he will get used to it and hopefully poo in there on day?

don't worry! he will eventually poo in the seat!