Saturday 28 April 2012


I've officially become the mandarin speaking parent. It is something mountain man and I have decided to implement after realizing that our son can't really speak mandarin beyond the basic survival language such as niao-niao (which arguably isn't even real Chinese) and 我肚子饿(I'm hungry), 我要棒棒糖 (I want lollipop). I feel he can do better ("growl" says the tiger mom).

Frankly I'm having a bit of trouble switching because I have limited Chinese vocab, and the brain doesn't think in Chinese so my reaction is a lot slower. Mountain boy is also getting used to the transition because he is normally rather chatty but now he just goes "uhm" when spoken to in Chinese. Also when he has his meltdowns he gets more frustrated because he can't express himself that well in the new tongue. I usually just tell him to speak in English in those instances and hopefully in time he can convert.

But I have to say that kids learn fast. It's week 1 of Chinese immersion and already I feel that mountain boy is a lot more confident in forming Chinese sentences, and he can recognize quite a number of Chinese characters. Attaboy!

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