Wednesday 18 April 2012

Tennis again

Sporty is not a word often used to describe me. I don't hate exercise, I just never really excelled in anything sports related. I swim really slow, I run slower than a tortoise, I close eyes when a ball is coming at me, and my aim is bad, like seriously.

Ive been playing tennis for 20 over years. It's a sport I enjoy but only for leisure. I used to play tennis for the school, but frankly I rather get benched because I clam up during tournaments it's very very embarrassing. When I was in junior college I decided to quit tennis because I couldn't take the pressure. It wasn't the long hours of training, or how hard it was on my body. It was my pride that couldn't bear losing another tournament and letting my teammates down.

Anyway, now that mountain boy goes to school I can spare some time during the day, just 1 hr a week to play and practice. Hopefully it's something mountain man can pick up so we can play together when we grow old.

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