Die Hard 4- This was my first die hard movie. Obviously, given a choice i would have skipped this one too but u gotta give in to a man's need for machoism. Les watches chick flicks with me too... Anyway, i fell asleep towards the end and couldn't be bothered to re-watch it. Other than Bruce Willis' bulletproof skin, Maggie Q irritates me. She's beautiful and all, but i think she should quit acting in action flicks, she cannot carry it off- she's frail and tiny and its obvious she uses a double. At least train for it and show me some abs come on. Do a Demi GI Jane. Dun think u can get away anything cos u're beautiful (i had to learn the hard way, HAR HAR HAR... kidding).

Evan Almighty 2- Sequel to Jim Carrey's Bruce Almighty. Not as good as the first, but I always enjoy Steve Carrell. The storyline is quite different too... The premise surrounds Steve Carrell being asked by God (Morgan Freeman) to build an Ark. I like the bibilical teachings in the show... like....

- How u change the world? through a randon act of kindness...
- When u wish for strength, god doesn't only give u strength but also the opportunity to be strong. .. Wow... an epihany.
The Shooter- THis is a Mark Wahlberg movie. Love the muscles... Its actually not a bad movie storyline wise. i was surprisingly entertained even tho i couldn't understand half the things he said, but it sure made him sound like he was good at whtever he was doing. Its very Bourne series come to think of it.

The Simpson's Movie- HAR HAR... Classic... After 2 days, i'm still giggling over this scene.
And i love the line from President Schwarzenegger (however u spell it...) "I am chosen to lead, not to read".
I loved Shooter. Mark Walberg is HWAT!!!
Cant wait to catch simpsons if it ever gets to the cinemas here...
good ella! you wrote so much yesterday! =)))
more movies going to open on National Day here (ie tom) or soon thereafter: Rush Hour 3, the new Bourne movie, and 881, a Royston Tan movie featuring Qi Yu Wu and May and Choy on the Hungry Ghost festival performers... try to catch this one!!
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