In the eyes of the law, we are husband and wife. Mr and Mrs Ng.
The evening was perfect. The weather, the setting, the ceremony, the food, the wine...
The burning question is if there's a difference being married and not being married. The answer is YES. Suddenly, we feel more responsible for each other, and a greater need to protect one another. There is no more playing on different sides of the court. We're now a team and we'll need to work on life projects together- in sickness and in health, in sadness and in joy...
Anyway, special thanks to...
Dominic and Patrick - For being there for Les, for serving without complaints (or at least not that i know of), for making merry, for making it happen.
Sisters- For being at my disposal even though i don't like how it sounds. For being supportive and adding joy to the occasion.
Old and New Family members- for loving us and accepting us both. You've all been helpful and supportive in many ways. We're eternally grateful and feel very blessed.
For more pictures, pls click on
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