Thursday, 17 April 2008

Mass Booklets

Was in a hurry yesterday when i posted the invites.. here's part 2, the mass booklet. It is the opposite colour theme as the wedding invite. And the inner pages has lil flowers in them too!

EVERYTHING was designed and printed by . 100% original, satisfaction guaranteed.
16 Days to big day!

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Wedding Invites

In case u've received the invites and wonder... hhmm... this looks random... Well no its not!

Flora and waves are symbols of mountain man (Lester) and beach girl (Stella) respectively. They coexist in harmony. as u can see, they look pretty put together.

17 days to the big day!

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

My wedding dress...


I bet u really think i'd post my wedding dress here...

Anyway isn't this gorgeous? Guess what it's made of... TISSUE PAPER! GASP!!!

Mom 2.0

I'm a daughter like her mother. And i believe its a struggle that a lot of daughters out there go through, realising day after day that you are becoming your biggest nightmare. And because i know i am like her, i am not about to complain about her and demand for an exchange anytime soon, cos i know that there are other mothers out there i'd rather not have.

Someone high in my company once told me, jokingly..."my youngest daughter is exactly like me, my husband tells me she's my retribution...". I found it funny because i never saw it from the other side of the fence.
I am mommy's girl. I believe we all are, with minor adjustments and improvements from the prototype. I have come to terms with being Mom 2.0. We as daughters have the benefit of foresight, we can see what'll happen to us in 30 years and we'll run as fast as we can, away from the parts we can't live to be. But similarly, we will keep nurturing and improving the parts we like about them. I know i got the good hardware from my mom that i can harness towards a better life... And this process is difficult, we need all the help we can get from our partners, our friends, our family.

i'm sure that if one day, when God blesses me with a child in my image, she'll be Stella 2.0. and not forgetting that she'll incorporate some of the goodness from Lester too.

Thursday, 10 April 2008

a frivolous dedication....

I just found out that my ex-schoolmate now dentist pal got engaged!! Congratulations! I forgive you for not telling me earlier cos i am so happy for you. U're gonna be a fabulous bride and wife.

So i dedicate this frivolous post to you. To a "brighter" future, and may our marriages last longer than these celebrities, if not forever.

Okay here i go...

I haven't been wearing my wedding set for a while (Engagement ring + wedding band) because they don't flush, they don't sit nicely one on top of another.. I was blaming myself for not thinking it through when i made the bands. So pal this is something for u to think about...

Anyways i came across these pictures... I think i feel OK about wearing my wedding set now.

WARNING: If you have a weakness for shiny objects, carry a drool bucket while reading this post.

This is Jessica Simpson's set when she was still married to Nick Lachey... Its almost identical to mine, hers is of course MUCH BIGGER.

This is Gwenyth Paltrow's from Chris Martin. I think its a cushion cut.

Reese Witherspoon's assher cut when she was still married to Ryan Phillippe.

Sandra Bullock's. Hers is two brilliant cuts set together (top and bottom).

This one is kinda busy, its Kate Hudson's. I think its when she couldn't decide if she wanted to stay married to Chris Robinson.

Avril Lavigne. SHe has a safe taste in jewellery, if only only she had the same for her hair colour.

Eva Longoria Parker...She has 2 sets. this is the 2nd set, her first was completely ugly so its a wise change.

Here is the first set, the look is just wrong.
Okay here's the new Elizabeth Taylor, the old Jenny from the block. I commend her for her beautiful rocks, nothing else. She has a very exquisite collection of coloured diamonds.

BLUE DIAMOND. just mesmerizing..

PINK diamond. Note to Lester: you're so handsome. *wink*
Yellow Diamond. From current husband Marc Anthony...
Moral of the story... the size of the rock isn't directly proportionate to the length of the marriage.

Friday, 4 April 2008


It is the first single day public holiday of china... It felt like a day special enough to get out of bed for.

Armed with my new G9, i was eager to go out and spend the day to pursue a new hobby. Susan Sontag likened a man with a camera as a hunter with a gun. And that was what i was today... A hunter.
The hunter set herself a subject.. that of friendship. Recently, friends are scarce. It could be age, it could be marriage, but life has never been the same without the friends i have back home.
So this is to friends i dearly miss.

A timeless pair... One without the other will have no meaning.

Accept differences and watch each other's back.

To play with...

...and be silly without being judged...To always side you no matter how wrong you are.

Share vices with...

Laugh together, share private jokes, gossips, tips about life...

err in the same fashion pits...

A true friend is the one who sticks... through marriage, children, old age and whatever challenges and letdowns life may deal you.