I'm a daughter like her mother. And i believe its a struggle that a lot of daughters out there go through, realising day after day that you are becoming your biggest nightmare. And because i know i am like her, i am not about to complain about her and demand for an exchange anytime soon, cos i know that there are other mothers out there i'd rather not have.
Someone high in my company once told me, jokingly..."my youngest daughter is exactly like me, my husband tells me she's my retribution...". I found it funny because i never saw it from the other side of the fence.
I am mommy's girl. I believe we all are, with minor adjustments and improvements from the prototype. I have come to terms with being Mom 2.0. We as daughters have the benefit of foresight, we can see what'll happen to us in 30 years and we'll run as fast as we can, away from the parts we can't live to be. But similarly, we will keep nurturing and improving the parts we like about them. I know i got the good hardware from my mom that i can harness towards a better life... And this process is difficult, we need all the help we can get from our partners, our friends, our family.
i'm sure that if one day, when God blesses me with a child in my image, she'll be Stella 2.0. and not forgetting that she'll incorporate some of the goodness from Lester too.