In case u've received the invites and wonder... hhmm... this looks random... Well no its not!
Flora and waves are symbols of mountain man (Lester) and beach girl (Stella) respectively. They coexist in harmony. as u can see, they look pretty put together.
17 days to the big day!
Yes i ve received the well-thought out designed card but who is Jennifer Ng?!?!!!? :)
3 more day to coming home...:)
beats me! haha...
sorry i must have gotten ur surname wrong. I was gonna go with tan, but i think Ng was more like it. U're not the only one i did that too, i got another's name completely wrong. so terrible!
Sorry i'll ammend it in my guest list.
Hahaha....ok..u were's Chong...:) just in case u are going for Lin....haha..
haha... i know i know when i got it wrong the first time i went to check ur facebook.
when u gonna start writing on ur blog again? i always check but no updates. bought ur bag??
Havent bought it yet!! Havent even made a decision on which one!! But let's hope i get down to it eventually when i am back in Sin, i canot wait to unleash the shopping queen in me!!! It's been wanting to come out and shop!!! heheh....
Damn lazy with my blog but because i am in Perth (read "nothing to do"), i am now updating it. Hehehe...
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