Famous for their hit single Love me For a Reason, I say let the reason be abs... (i didn't draw the heart on Ronan's thing, the picture is from perezhilton.com)
I thought Spice Girls made a hot comeback, Boyzone is like molten hot, appeals to both sexes i believe.
Well it's nice, but i'm sorry its also a bit desperate.
Btw, somehow the boyzone picture reminded me of a recent devastating news. Okay maybe not so recent but i just found out not too long ago... Wentworth miller and i may have something in common, we like men!

He is apparently linked to Scotty(Luke McFarlane) from Brother's and Sisters, Scotty is gay in the show.

Not that i have a chance if he is straight, and even if i do i only have eyes for one man and i already married him.
So Wentworth is denying that he and Luke are an item, but usually these rumours are true. So far all the young and supposedly down to earth hollywood actors have either become womanisers, or they're dating someone well-known. Yet Wentworth is so low profile. *shrug*
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