Bottega-esque leather bound cover...
The first page...
Tada... Lester and Stella's Coffee Table Book- bound in love and perfection.
Here are some of my favourite shots and recaps from the day...I know it's a bit delayed but it'd be nice to just chronicle them.
At this point, Gabriel was directing us to "look here look there"... and that's what we did.
When Gabriel said "let's do a fun shot", and this was what we came up with. Not bad la hor.
Les offers a sign of peace to his new family. Left to right: Anthony (my brother), Angie (Anthony's wife), Sonia (their youngest daugther) and Uncle Erdhi who flew all the way from Vancouver.
My little angelic flowergirls Shannon and Sonia. Sonia came up to me with the sweetest smile, i picked her up and in that instant Gabriel said "Stel look here" and SNAP. picture perfect. I didn't even know Shannon was dilligently holding up my train the whole time. Gabriel if u're reading, can these make potential mates for Yang and Jay? haha. 2 other angels Mischa and Russel were not photographed but i'd still like to acknowledge them (and their parents of course) for being there.

The hand on my shoulder is not just any hand. It was my sister Wina's hand. It was the first time that day that i saw her and had a proper conversation. She was so busy taking care of the children all day. It was just nice for us to spend some private moments together.
Our first walk-in. Moments before Sze Yong and Mel (the emcees) announced that Mas Salamat couldn't come to the wedding due to prior engagements.
We walked in to Iron and Wine's cover of Such Great Heights (original performance by Postal Service). It's my dream wedding song.
We debated over the 2nd walk-in song. In the end we came to an agreement with AC/DC's Shook Me All Night Long. Other options were Suede's Can't Get Enough, and T-Rex's 20th Century Boy.

Soundbites from speeches that night...
Pat: The only marriage advice i can give you is not to go to bed in anger, just STAY UP and QUARREL all night! That's how my dad did it, that's how I'm doing it, and it turned out alright so far.
Me repeating my mom's words of wisdom: 男人不可以入错行, 女人不可以嫁错郎。我找到了我的郎... (Translation: Man cannot enter the wrong career, Woman cannot marry the wrong man. )
Many people later told me that they thought i meant 色"狼" (translation: lecher).
Dad: I am not trained for public speaking... But you are not public to me. You are family... I am blessed with no daughters, but daughters in law....I am impaled with joy.
There, i'm almost done gushing about my own wedding. But there's one more surprise coming but i won't spoil the fun yet.
PS: Rest of photos have been uploaded unto facebook. click here.
Nice series! I particularly like ur dad's speech! I find it very original =)
Hi Alwin! nice to see u here... Yes my dad-in-law is very very eloquent.
Lovely photos. I see why you love EB, that shade of blue look esp GORGEOUS on you like your gown.
...(pinkboudoir from TPF)
hi Pink Boudoir, yes i recognise ur nick. Nice to see u here.
EB is just a gorgeous colour that everyone can wear. =)
I am still amazed at your yumseng gungho-ness!!!
yann> they made me do it, have to be ON mah. After that my mom chided me!
A very belated congrats. Beautiful photos and love the blue dress. We had our wedding there too, 2 yrs ago :)
Karma C> Thank you! Wow, we have lots in common!
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