She likes to reminisce the past, tell me cute stories about mountain man and his brother . The most memorable one was of how the younger brother was born premature. Apparently Mountain man was quite an active child, mom-in-law had to chase him up and down macRitchie untill she went into pre-mature labour.
Maybe mountain man couldn't wait to meet his brother. He must have wanted a playmate as soon as possible!
Of course the brothers soon became each other's nemesis...
u can clearly tell who ate up all the food. Yo, ahbui!

Anyway, here's my mom and dad-in-law. Mountain man is a carbon copy of mom!
So cuuuuuuuute! I can't imagine Lester used to be chubby! Look at tummy! Looking at those pics, I would have thought Leslie would grow up to be smaller than Lester. Ya.. come to think of it, Lester is a cc of his mom. Your mom-in-law so sweet...
after a while Lester realised there were girls around, so he jian fei lor. haha.
Hihi, surfed on by from imp's, hope you don't mind. You look very familiar! Are you from VJ? Believe we are from the same batch. :)
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