Now this little princess over here is Suri Cruise, d.o. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. She's the cutest thing in Hollywood now. And she's been named Forbes #1 most inflential child celebrity. (why would anyone come up with such boliao ranking right?)...
Anyway, there's this controversy going on. Suri lives in NYC and it's freaking cold over there now. But she walks around like this.. no jacket, while her parents and bodyguards are all wrapped up like bak zhang (chinese dumpling tht is wrapped in many layers of leaves).

Of course then there were a lot of criticisms flying around- some called Katie an irresponsible mother, Suri a spoilt brat, and even more ludicrous accusations of Suri being a robot. You know wht's weirder than scientology? it's people who think tht scietologists give birth to mechanical parts. Anyway, so finally, Suri starts sporting jackets. Cute ones like these...

Tom also tried to rectify the situation by stating in a recent interview that Suri is a total lady. She loves her dresses... Put her in jeans and she'll run off and come back in a dress. Well can't blame her for being one right, growing up in hollywood and all. so yesterday i saw this on Perez Hilton (bless him), the comment cracked me up super bad.
I love the blue dress on baby cruise! I want for my girl, haha! :)
she's so cute!! i love all her dresses.
Lady Mischa also refuses to wear jackets while we were in Hong Kong. But then the weather was not very cold like NYC. And she will choose what she wants to wear. Most of the time it's inappropriate and wrong for the occasion. Like a formal dress to go to the supermarket and pajamas to go for hotel dinner x_x sometimes I wonder if ppl might think the parents are nuts to dress the kid like that. lol. But sometimes it's too tiring to argue with her on her dressing (she does that every single day and is persistent on what to wear), so I take short cut and let her be adventurous on her fashion. We are late most of the time due to our battle with her on what to wear. can u believe it? such a small girl like her. tsk tsk..
jie, last time we were all like tht too.
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