the latest addition to this blog. 12 weeks old tamagotchi does nothing but sleep and swim around my belly. of course i have to feed the thing on time if not an internal alarm will go off. My stomach will growl and my laptop keyboard will start morphing into chocolate bars.

Hey you little thumb sucker.... one two three four five fingers exactly. perfect!

Thanks to all the aunties and uncles for your prayers and well-wishes.
Oh my goodness!!! Congratulations!!! *hugs*
HELLO Tamagotchi!
I can send you a list of baby items for preparation, if you don't already have a list. Let me know?
OOH. congratulations!
OMG its baby Lestelle. Can't wait to meet him/her in person.
Lots of rest, and manifest positive thoughts.
Oooh congratulations!!! So happy for you! *Waves a BIG allo to tamagotchi!*
OMG...congrats stella!!
You're expecting a little one! Do you know the sex yet?
All the best to you and your DH.
My little guy is 18 months already... :)
Awwww...So beautiful....
Big cousin Shannon will be so excited to see this! Ah kim can see the high nose bridge!!
Ohh.. Tamagotchi!!!
Congratulations!!! :)
Serene, Imp, Yuling, judebabe > thank you thank you! so glad tht i finally can announce.
lilsnooze> thanks for ur offer. i actually have a friend in BJ who will give me a list too. but if u don't mind sharing, send to me anyway for comparison. it's
heats68> yes, u're gonna help me take care of "lestelle" when i'm back in singapore.
phathoe> wow ur son is big already! u jsut gave birth when we spoke. i don't know the gender yet. i heard 16 weeks onwards?
angie> yeah can see the nose bridge hor? i hope it's the family signature nose. haha. say hi to shannon and sonson!
Yeah, my son is getting very big now. Walking and babbling, it's so CUTE! Its so rewarding to watch them slowly morph into their own independent character.
Are you going to be finding out the sex of the baby? Shopping is lots of fun for a baby, especially for your own. All the happiest wishes to you and your family.
wah. I can see the head!!! :D
AHHHHHHH!!! Congrats, you two!!!
It's so cute!! I can see the round head and tiny hands!!!
well done babe! congratulations!!
finally, it's OFFICIALLY out! =DDD
but i thought the addition of "tamagotchi" in your blog name was rather quite obvious kekeke...
jia you cousin, there will be at least three more babies in the family this year!
phathoe> thank you.
Hobomobo> yeah, the head and the fingers!
Yann> get one soon!
Addy> thank you. *hugs back*
AAA> at least 3 more? is someone having twins?
Thanks for sharing this pic and a big congratulations to you =) I didn't realise you could see so much at 12 weeks!
corsage> i was surprised myself! it's actually quite cute! it's nice to see it develop from a lump into something more recognisable.
you forget cien2's new little one ella =D
Hey my dear, just saw the great news! Was still pondering about yr so-called first family pic until i read this entry. Congras,babe! To a ever-increasing family, perhaps?!
congratulations!! looks like parenting entries ahead!
hey congratz!!!
been away and haven had a chance to read up!!!!!
am sure there'll be more more more to entertain now that there's tamagotchi!!!!
best wishes,
faith> hi! i didn't know u come to my blog. thanks! hope ur wedding preps are going well.
Sally Cinnamon> oh yes... i want my baby to be as cute and stylish as munchkin! u must tell me where u buy her clothes.
SAF> long time no see. thank you! yes i hope tamagotchi is as fun as the parents.
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