Monday, 20 April 2009
Pregnant celebs!
Confirmed pregnancies:
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Nicole Richie
Heidi Klum
Ellen Pompeo
Rumoured to be pregnant:
Angelina (angie pls pls be pregnant)
Yay! Our kids can grow up together, parasocially of course.
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Nicole Richie
Heidi Klum
Ellen Pompeo
Rumoured to be pregnant:
Angelina (angie pls pls be pregnant)
Yay! Our kids can grow up together, parasocially of course.
Friday, 17 April 2009
Tamatgotchi has grown!

During the 12th week scan, tamagotchi still had alot of room in the womb. But by the 16th week, it was so squeezy until he had to kneel. Sometimes i get tummy aches at night and the next morning my bump would have grown significantly. Amazing huh?
I've also started feeling baby movements. I've been feeling them for a while now but i initially thought it were my muscles were twitching, but just 2 nights ago i was sure that Tamagotchi gave me 2 solid kicks.
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Dreams (when sleeping)
I've always dreamt alot since i was a kid. Like ridiculously alot. I hardly get dreamless nights. And they are usually vivid and very detailed.
Name every kind of dream u've had. I've had them all. Teeth dropping, pple dying, snakes, me flying, me swimming...
Some dreams are recurring, some are thematic.
When i was going through school, i used to get very scary gripping dreams. Very often they were better quality than blockbuster films, equipped with stereo and 3D effects. I later found out tht the dreams were a figment of my stress. I'm one of those who hates writing papers and taking tests. When i bid farewell to school and examinations, my crazy dreams went along with it.
Then before i got married, i had a gazillion wedding dreams. Things would screw up badly, my hair would be undone, i'd forget to cater food for the church wedding, and i'm even embarrassed to say tht some dreams involved Mountain man going too wild on his stag night. I know i have very WILD imagination.
Given that pregnancy is ONE of the strongest most powerful experience a woman can go through, the angel which bestows dreams upon us did not spare me. But the dreams are more light hearted these days. I often dream about eating a particular type of food tht i've been missing, but in ridiculous amounts until i feel guilty (yes, i have a conscience even when asleep).
Last night, i had another funny one.
So i gave birth. The baby girl is so so so so incredibly cute. The babies in my dream are always cute, and 70% of the time a girl. I can't explain it. Anyway, this one takes the cake, she's so cute tht she's even born with a perfect cleopatra hairstyle. Then i tried to breastfeed but i had no milk, so the "helpers" in my dream fed the baby formula. But even then i couldn't satisfy her hunger, i had no choice but to feed her vegetable and egg cooked with spring onions.
It's not the first time i dreamt of the baby feeding, so i googled and found some interpretations online. The answers made me laugh:
To see or feed baby food in your dream, indicates that nurturance and care is needed in a waking situation. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor to indicate that you need to eat smaller portions of food.
HAhahaha... shite i need to eat less.
Name every kind of dream u've had. I've had them all. Teeth dropping, pple dying, snakes, me flying, me swimming...
Some dreams are recurring, some are thematic.
When i was going through school, i used to get very scary gripping dreams. Very often they were better quality than blockbuster films, equipped with stereo and 3D effects. I later found out tht the dreams were a figment of my stress. I'm one of those who hates writing papers and taking tests. When i bid farewell to school and examinations, my crazy dreams went along with it.
Then before i got married, i had a gazillion wedding dreams. Things would screw up badly, my hair would be undone, i'd forget to cater food for the church wedding, and i'm even embarrassed to say tht some dreams involved Mountain man going too wild on his stag night. I know i have very WILD imagination.
Given that pregnancy is ONE of the strongest most powerful experience a woman can go through, the angel which bestows dreams upon us did not spare me. But the dreams are more light hearted these days. I often dream about eating a particular type of food tht i've been missing, but in ridiculous amounts until i feel guilty (yes, i have a conscience even when asleep).
Last night, i had another funny one.
So i gave birth. The baby girl is so so so so incredibly cute. The babies in my dream are always cute, and 70% of the time a girl. I can't explain it. Anyway, this one takes the cake, she's so cute tht she's even born with a perfect cleopatra hairstyle. Then i tried to breastfeed but i had no milk, so the "helpers" in my dream fed the baby formula. But even then i couldn't satisfy her hunger, i had no choice but to feed her vegetable and egg cooked with spring onions.
It's not the first time i dreamt of the baby feeding, so i googled and found some interpretations online. The answers made me laugh:
To see or feed baby food in your dream, indicates that nurturance and care is needed in a waking situation. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor to indicate that you need to eat smaller portions of food.
HAhahaha... shite i need to eat less.
"Bo" Liao...
All these angmoh langs really very "Bo"red. So the Obamas got a dog not from the shelter as he had promised. It's not big fat deal really... I don't see any political implications of not getting a rescue dog. A. It was a gift. B. The dog is for his 2 girls. He can't possible reject the gift and disappoint his 2 girls by saying "No girls, we have to get a 3 legged dog to show America we're compassionate". How would the girls feel? Dont' forget tht Obama's a father as much as he is the most powerful man on earth.
Anway isn't Bo cute? check out the white furry paws!! goochiiewoochiepoochie....
Anway isn't Bo cute? check out the white furry paws!! goochiiewoochiepoochie....

Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Tamagotchi fashion
When i found out Tamagotchi is a boy, i was frankly disappointed tht i couldn't buy tht cute mary jane trumpette socks for him. Actually i still can but i don't want Tamagotchi to develop a fetish for women's high heels at such a young age.

This is the funniest, can u imagine him on a mini harley, wind blowing in his hair... Scorpions playing in the background.

So today i was surfing Karen Cheng's blog, boy oh boy does she look good after 3 boys. She has shrunk back to her normal size (i hate her for tht) and her babies are so perfect. So if Karen Cheng the fashionista can have fun dressing 3 boys, why can't hiaoster me do it?
Thanks to the links on her blog, i found this cool site, Baby's Got Style.
This may look like a bumble bee romper, but i call it the Wolverine Suit- The one before the origins.

Touche! Sounds more like a comment mountain man will make.

Indie baby with a mohawk and black eyeliner.

Hehe, this is so so corny. But i like the old school feel of it.

I'm glad it's not all toy cars and camo suits. phew!
Monday, 13 April 2009
Pregnancy: the beginning...
When did u find out u were knocked up?
January 4th 2009. My very punctual "best friend" was late by 3 days, so i got worried and wondered if she was alright. Then I found out tht she won't be visiting for the next 36 weeks.
What was ur first reaction?
The line on the test kit was faint. I wondered if my eyes were fooling me. I wondered if the test was faulty. Suddenly pregnant symptoms befell upon me. I was giddy, i wanted to puke, i became hungry, and i started to forget wht i was doing... I pulled myself together and called Mountain Man. It wasn't how i'd imagine breaking the news to him but i did anyway.
So what was Mountain Man's reaction?
He said, huh? really? let's test again in a few days.
A few days later the line appeared again. His first words to me were, "congrats". Then i told him, "what do u mean congrats! like the baby is not urs!". Once we got over the shock, we were of course thrilled to be having this baby...
Did u plan for this baby?
What do u mean KIND OF?
We wanted a child. Decided to go sans contraceptive cos we figured tht it's pretty difficult to get pregnant these days. A woman is only fertile for a mere 4 days of her 28 day cycle. Plus we're both "highly stressed" individuals, getting pregnant shouldn't be too easy. But skali, who knows tht mountain man despite his "old age", still has viable turbo-like sperms tht penetrated my willing egg.
So just like that, 2 become 1.
What was your 1st trimester like?
I am mild compared to my mother and sister who had symptoms for 9 months. I even went to Paris for a holiday in my 7th-8th week. Tht's supposedly the time i am not allowed to travel.
HOWEVER, now i cannot stand anything related to Paris or french. I don't even like Balenciaga tht much anymore. Don't speak it in front of me, don't make me eat angmoh food. It reminds me of my trip there and my nausea comes back.
Pregnant brain: fact or myth?
I was already clumsy and blur to begin with. But i am a little more these days... i can drop food on my shirt 20 minutes into wearing it.
Except for european food (includes Italian, French and Mediterranean), plant an image in my head and i'll be craving it. i saw someone eat a cheeseburger last night and i've been thinking about it since.
How's the expectant father doing?
Definitely a keeper. He buys me nutritious snacks, stops me from eating too much junk, reads all the baby books, and plays drums for the baby. I like it when he rubs my belly and puts his ear against it. He hasn't done tht many food runs (yet) , but he did once dash to the supermarket in 1 degree weather just to get me watermelons. And he also bought me a holiday!
So are u delivering in beijing?
Yep. It makes sense. Going back to singapore would mean tht i'd have to take alot leave. And Mountain Man won't be around for a good part of my third trimester. I don't think i want him to miss any part of it. Medical care is decent. Everything is in mandarin tho.
Final question, are u going to be raising ur child in Beijing then?
Yes for now. But we worry tht Tamagotchi may not be able to learn hokkien. When he go army, he may kenna F upside down and still go, Ni Shuo She Me? Tht reminds me of this recent Mr brown podcast i heard. It's super funny! click here to listen.
January 4th 2009. My very punctual "best friend" was late by 3 days, so i got worried and wondered if she was alright. Then I found out tht she won't be visiting for the next 36 weeks.
What was ur first reaction?
The line on the test kit was faint. I wondered if my eyes were fooling me. I wondered if the test was faulty. Suddenly pregnant symptoms befell upon me. I was giddy, i wanted to puke, i became hungry, and i started to forget wht i was doing... I pulled myself together and called Mountain Man. It wasn't how i'd imagine breaking the news to him but i did anyway.
So what was Mountain Man's reaction?
He said, huh? really? let's test again in a few days.
A few days later the line appeared again. His first words to me were, "congrats". Then i told him, "what do u mean congrats! like the baby is not urs!". Once we got over the shock, we were of course thrilled to be having this baby...
Did u plan for this baby?
What do u mean KIND OF?
We wanted a child. Decided to go sans contraceptive cos we figured tht it's pretty difficult to get pregnant these days. A woman is only fertile for a mere 4 days of her 28 day cycle. Plus we're both "highly stressed" individuals, getting pregnant shouldn't be too easy. But skali, who knows tht mountain man despite his "old age", still has viable turbo-like sperms tht penetrated my willing egg.
So just like that, 2 become 1.
What was your 1st trimester like?
I am mild compared to my mother and sister who had symptoms for 9 months. I even went to Paris for a holiday in my 7th-8th week. Tht's supposedly the time i am not allowed to travel.
HOWEVER, now i cannot stand anything related to Paris or french. I don't even like Balenciaga tht much anymore. Don't speak it in front of me, don't make me eat angmoh food. It reminds me of my trip there and my nausea comes back.
Pregnant brain: fact or myth?
I was already clumsy and blur to begin with. But i am a little more these days... i can drop food on my shirt 20 minutes into wearing it.
Except for european food (includes Italian, French and Mediterranean), plant an image in my head and i'll be craving it. i saw someone eat a cheeseburger last night and i've been thinking about it since.
How's the expectant father doing?
Definitely a keeper. He buys me nutritious snacks, stops me from eating too much junk, reads all the baby books, and plays drums for the baby. I like it when he rubs my belly and puts his ear against it. He hasn't done tht many food runs (yet) , but he did once dash to the supermarket in 1 degree weather just to get me watermelons. And he also bought me a holiday!
So are u delivering in beijing?
Yep. It makes sense. Going back to singapore would mean tht i'd have to take alot leave. And Mountain Man won't be around for a good part of my third trimester. I don't think i want him to miss any part of it. Medical care is decent. Everything is in mandarin tho.
Final question, are u going to be raising ur child in Beijing then?
Yes for now. But we worry tht Tamagotchi may not be able to learn hokkien. When he go army, he may kenna F upside down and still go, Ni Shuo She Me? Tht reminds me of this recent Mr brown podcast i heard. It's super funny! click here to listen.
Meet Timmy!
The brother and sister-in-law finally gave birth to Timmy after 6 years of waiting. Timmy has Daddy's eyes and mommy's lips and chin. He is the eldest grandson of the Ngs, and he'll be Tamagotchi's cousin! They'll probably fight and snatch each other's toys, but i know tht they'll grow to love each other... eventually.
I love how babies look like mini versions of their parents, making them even cuter than they already are. How can u not love the little thing tht looks like you and ur other half? I can't wait to see wht tamagotchi looks like. i hope he's a mini-me!
Anyway, Mountain man is now an ah-cek (or whtever the equivalent is in teochew)! but err.... does tht make me an ah-cim? ARGH!
willow attack
The willow trees have started shedding!! the entire beijing is covered in cotton like balls of seeds flying around, ruining perfect alfresco weather. Our sentences are punctuated by "prrtt" and constant swatting.
PS: i took the photo with my new mobile, no matter how i try i just can't get it to go landscape. i give up.
Thursday, 9 April 2009
the lost art.
Jasper Mimi.....

I witnessed the first face changing performance last weekend. Apparently this art is a national secret, anyone who is not a china born chinese is not allowed to learn the skill. Even Andy Lau was rejected! I must say tht it's simply AMAZING.
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
2 breaking news...
1st breaking news...
Kal Penn has quite HOUSE to work at the WHITEHOUSE! (Kal is Kumar from Harold and Kumar).
and (spoiler so highlight the next sentence if u want to read the spoiler) he commits suicide on House!
I am a major HOUSE fan. i love the soundtracks and i simply adore Hugh Laurie- with american or british accent.
2nd breaking news... (maybe not breaking to u but it's definitely new to me, and i must put a disclaimer tht this can be a complete rumour).
Qi Yu Wu (715) is gay!!! and married to XIE SHAOGUANG!
Okay it's very unlike me to go and check the singapore celeb gossip news but i happened to be watching The Little Nyonya and i was bitching to a friend about the plot and she revealed 715 is gay. Argh! it reminds me of the time when i found out wentworth miller is gay. Suddenly i just didn't feel like watching prison break anymore.
Kal Penn has quite HOUSE to work at the WHITEHOUSE! (Kal is Kumar from Harold and Kumar).
and (spoiler so highlight the next sentence if u want to read the spoiler) he commits suicide on House!
I am a major HOUSE fan. i love the soundtracks and i simply adore Hugh Laurie- with american or british accent.
2nd breaking news... (maybe not breaking to u but it's definitely new to me, and i must put a disclaimer tht this can be a complete rumour).
Qi Yu Wu (715) is gay!!! and married to XIE SHAOGUANG!
Okay it's very unlike me to go and check the singapore celeb gossip news but i happened to be watching The Little Nyonya and i was bitching to a friend about the plot and she revealed 715 is gay. Argh! it reminds me of the time when i found out wentworth miller is gay. Suddenly i just didn't feel like watching prison break anymore.
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Orchard Road(trip)
The long weekend was fabulous. i slept in 3 days in a row, wht luxury!
A bunch of us (including Karma C who has fallen into the blogabyss and stopped blogging almost completely) went on a roadtrip to a nearby Orchard on the edge of Beijing for sunday brunch. It was a lovely sunny day. The season for fruits hasn't arrive yet, so the orchard was pretty bare. But it's nice to just get out of city centre and breathe fresh air. But in case u're thinking of making a trip down, late may is supposedly the best time. The apples and pears would be juicy and ready to eat by then.
The buffet brunch was RMB 180 per pax. Variety was lacking but the food tasted great. The trout was fresh, the beef was nicely done, and the apple crumble was divine.
Here are the pictures:
Have no idea wht this flower is. but i love the colour.

A bunch of us (including Karma C who has fallen into the blogabyss and stopped blogging almost completely) went on a roadtrip to a nearby Orchard on the edge of Beijing for sunday brunch. It was a lovely sunny day. The season for fruits hasn't arrive yet, so the orchard was pretty bare. But it's nice to just get out of city centre and breathe fresh air. But in case u're thinking of making a trip down, late may is supposedly the best time. The apples and pears would be juicy and ready to eat by then.
The buffet brunch was RMB 180 per pax. Variety was lacking but the food tasted great. The trout was fresh, the beef was nicely done, and the apple crumble was divine.
Here are the pictures:
Have no idea wht this flower is. but i love the colour.
Matches her shirt!
Friday, 3 April 2009
The majority voted....
we saw tamagotchi's (TMG) hotdog this morning. Or rather, the doctor saw. She exclaimed,"oohhh, you're having a XIAO HUO ZI (slang for young boy)". And we were like, where??? wht? how? She then pointed to this thing jutting out which does not resemble a penis at all, but we'll take her word for it.
We also know tht TMG's a modest boy (unlike his father) cos he didn't want to flash us anymore.
we saw tamagotchi's (TMG) hotdog this morning. Or rather, the doctor saw. She exclaimed,"oohhh, you're having a XIAO HUO ZI (slang for young boy)". And we were like, where??? wht? how? She then pointed to this thing jutting out which does not resemble a penis at all, but we'll take her word for it.
We also know tht TMG's a modest boy (unlike his father) cos he didn't want to flash us anymore.
Thursday, 2 April 2009
What's the magic number?
I keep getting asked "how many kids are u planning to have?". Initially my answer was 2, then i had an epiphany. I'm number 3 in the family, if my mom stopped at 2 i wouldn't be here. And U know wht they say... third time's a charm.
That's besides the point of course...
I enjoyed growing up with 2 other siblings. I have "fond" memories of our childhood, particularly this time when my front tooth was shaking and i refused to have it removed. No to dentists, no to anyone who dares to even touch my jaw. My brother decided to take matters into his own hands and hatched an evil plan with my sister. They both chased me round the house (Down from 2nd floor through the front door round the garden into the back door and back to the living room, i run fast), and when i was finally in their possession, my sister pinned me down and my brother punched me till the front tooth came out. I cried and cried of course, i was only 7. Subsequently over the years, my brother became my chief tooth-pullouter. It's wht our relationship was built upon.
of course, other than inflicting physical pain, both my siblings played a big part in my life. Us 3 didn't grow up with doting parents who showered 24h-7 TLC. But we've managed to grow up in each other's company. My sister was the caregiver. She made sure i did my homework, passed my tests, had nice clothes to wear. We share alot even till today, she was a wonderful playmate. My brother on the other hand imparted street wisdom in his rowdy rough ways. He plagued me with all sorts of pranks until i knew how to run when i saw danger. He often told me off and made me realise how i saw myself was not how others saw me- ie i may think i'm great but others actually think i'm a twat.
Mountain man has a brother whom i know he shares a close bond with. Heck they were the formidable duo Superman and Spiderman. They even gave each other endearing names like Tekka Di and Lester Dua Bui De. I'm sure Mountain Man wouldn't mind a Wonderwoman or perhaps Dua Kah Soh (bless her) in their repertoire.
So if u ask me again, i want 3, not 2. I want 2 with very close age gap, and a little one (like me) many years down the road to accompany me when the older 2 grow up.
i know it's still way to early to start thinking about Number 2 and 3 when i'm barely at 0.5. but tht's the plan...
PS: i can't wait to meet tamagotchi again tomorrow (via ultrasound). I hope tamagotchi flashes his/her private parts at us!
That's besides the point of course...
I enjoyed growing up with 2 other siblings. I have "fond" memories of our childhood, particularly this time when my front tooth was shaking and i refused to have it removed. No to dentists, no to anyone who dares to even touch my jaw. My brother decided to take matters into his own hands and hatched an evil plan with my sister. They both chased me round the house (Down from 2nd floor through the front door round the garden into the back door and back to the living room, i run fast), and when i was finally in their possession, my sister pinned me down and my brother punched me till the front tooth came out. I cried and cried of course, i was only 7. Subsequently over the years, my brother became my chief tooth-pullouter. It's wht our relationship was built upon.
of course, other than inflicting physical pain, both my siblings played a big part in my life. Us 3 didn't grow up with doting parents who showered 24h-7 TLC. But we've managed to grow up in each other's company. My sister was the caregiver. She made sure i did my homework, passed my tests, had nice clothes to wear. We share alot even till today, she was a wonderful playmate. My brother on the other hand imparted street wisdom in his rowdy rough ways. He plagued me with all sorts of pranks until i knew how to run when i saw danger. He often told me off and made me realise how i saw myself was not how others saw me- ie i may think i'm great but others actually think i'm a twat.
Mountain man has a brother whom i know he shares a close bond with. Heck they were the formidable duo Superman and Spiderman. They even gave each other endearing names like Tekka Di and Lester Dua Bui De. I'm sure Mountain Man wouldn't mind a Wonderwoman or perhaps Dua Kah Soh (bless her) in their repertoire.
So if u ask me again, i want 3, not 2. I want 2 with very close age gap, and a little one (like me) many years down the road to accompany me when the older 2 grow up.
i know it's still way to early to start thinking about Number 2 and 3 when i'm barely at 0.5. but tht's the plan...
PS: i can't wait to meet tamagotchi again tomorrow (via ultrasound). I hope tamagotchi flashes his/her private parts at us!
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
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