All these angmoh langs really very "Bo"red. So the Obamas got a dog not from the shelter as he had promised. It's not big fat deal really... I don't see any political implications of not getting a rescue dog. A. It was a gift. B. The dog is for his 2 girls. He can't possible reject the gift and disappoint his 2 girls by saying "No girls, we have to get a 3 legged dog to show America we're compassionate". How would the girls feel? Dont' forget tht Obama's a father as much as he is the most powerful man on earth.
Anway isn't
Bo cute? check out the white furry paws!! goochiiewoochiepoochie....
so cute!!! I love the paws
boy you got me here!
OMG so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Gingerblossoms> yeah! the neck is white too. eek!
AAA> how can such a cute dog possible exist right!
you are so tempting me!! now i want that obama dog too!! oh no................................
AAA> dunno this breed can find in singapore or not. get one of those toy poodles la. i'm sure ahuaci misses sharrol and hopes for an S2.
ahuaci is "mouth hard heart soft". she might warm to anther s2 tho she will probably be scolding it a lot in the beginning too.. btw the name S2 is nice.. sounds like my favourite SK2 wahhahahaah...
and her chinese name will be.. "Es-Er"!!!
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