Mountain man on the other hand has this magic power over her. She shuts up the moment he carries her, she looks longingly into his eyes, she even gives him tht flirtatious smile when she observes him across the room. Maybe she sees me as competition so she's always hostile. I say "Keep your tiny paws off my husband!"
Uh-oh... i've completely riled her up. She cries "Give me mountain man or else..."
Hahaha..sometimes, little girls like to 'admire' Mature OLD man..mummy will teach her to go for the young son, not the dad!! ;)
This reminds me of when Sonia did a Pulang Kampong to Kembangan n she cries every time u even attempt to carry her.
angie> yah lor. Cos when i first saw meranda i wore tht same pair of black plastic specs. After tht i cannot shake of the scary specs look.
Qoofamily> hehe, meranda likes "nan ren wei".
haha are you babysitting or what? ;D
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