But i must say that it's been better than i imagined so far. Mountain man has been the BEST husband i can ever ask for, and he's also an eager new dad who is very willing to put forth his every effort.
Thing about natural birth (a period which i'd like to call "The great squeeze") is that the father can witness the whole process. And it's really important that he maintain a positive disposition cos he needs to channel it to the mother and create a condusive birth environment. He held me and encouraged me throughout the great squeeze and that really really helped.
This sight provided humour in between the SUPER PAINFUL UNTIL I CANNOT DESCRIBE contractions . He looks cute in a shower cap right doesn't he!

During the hospitalisation (a period which i'd like to call "walking through burning coal"), T was with us the whole time. Unlike in Singapore where baby gets wheeled in only when requested and feeding times, we pretty much were left to tend to T anyway we wanted. The task was daunting but i'm glad we did it. Most importanly, it bonded this new little family unit together.
Anyway, after the great squeeze, i was pretty much bed ridden. or rather, position ridden cos i couldn't even move in my bed. So besides feeding, he did everything else- run interferance with mother, meet up with doctors, paperwork, care for me and care for the baby. By the end of day 1, he was the expert diaper changer (T pooped 5 times the first day). He stayed up with T when i was knocked out from the long breastfeeding sessions. He bascially did EVERYTHING i requested him too. Even if it means getting up from deep slumber just to adjust the aircon by 1 degree.
Not only that, he comforted me through the baby blues and always assured me that i was doing a good job.
So, I've learnt not to underestimate the role of the father during this whole process. I'm glad i went through it with Mountain man. I think i can do it again... once i forget how SUPER FUDGING PAINFUL the contractions were.
This picture was taken on Day 2. Look how comfortable and happy T is in Daddy's arms.

It's so impt to have a supportive partner. :)
At the hospital I stil remembered we didn't know how to change Nat's diapers and had to push him pack to the nursery. Hehe.
that's awesome babe. that emotional and actual support is so comforting for you!
Awwww.... so sweet... thankful that you have such a nice hubby like Lester... keep up the good work! (as in changing T's nappies. lol)
LMS> haha, yah i called for help the first diaper change too. I watched it done so many times on my nieces but i was just too scared to screw up.
imp> yeap. AWESOME is right!!
Jie> heh, Les needs to work on his cradle carry. still abit kaku!
So sweet of Lester..u did not marry the wrong man.. May God bless ur new family .
Big Lester and Mini Lester look so cute together. :)
Lester carrying him makes me think T looks more like you!
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