The nanny told me one morning that T loves staring and mumbling to the robots during his night feeds. I didn't believe her... I thought she was exaggerating, it's pretty common for moms/dads/nannies to overstate the abilities of their kids.
I was proven wrong a couple of nights ago. He really does stare and speak to the robots, ALOT.
We even captured it on video. Just view the first 10 seconds...
According to Mountain Man, he remembered "hallucinating" and imagining stationary dots move around in his room. So err... maybe it runs in the family.
Imagination from Daddy, chattiness from Mommy... Oh dear...
Bubbles talks to her toys too! I think it is so cute that they are going through all the developmental stages tog. I was playing Dylan's video and Roboman who was in another room thought it was Bubbles! They sound so alike! heh :)
Corsage> maybe they are a match made in heaven! haha.
he probably thought it's his best friend! same height/size mah, hehe
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