All the magazine reading and ripping has led to Mountain boy's first injury. Huge drops of blood were oozing out of his tiny finger and the magazine pages were smeared red. Mountain man and i tried to downplay his injury but actually i was really dying inside (okay maybe not so drama).
It's gonna be the first of many, i know.
Aiyoh.. heart pain too...
Bubbles also kena-ed! But hers was due to the nasty nailclipper =P Was super drama coz the blood wouldn't stop leaking and the PD made us send her to the hospital! Thankfully it was thoroughly checked and pronounced ok. I had to rush to the hospital from office! *scary*
oooouuuuuchhh!!!! tt looked painful. ur heart must have been in pain too!
hazel + Gerry> yah, i think i hurt more than him, he cried only for a brief moment!
corsage> WOAH! so careless! but i guess it can happen to me also, dylan's always fidgety when i cut his nails.
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