My little one turned 14 months yesterday. This boy over here is turning out to be quite the sprinter, always dashing from place to place. His obsession for slopes is quite puzzling to me, he likes climbing up slowly and then the thrill of rushing down really fast, and this can go on forever. He has this internal mega charged battery that goes full-blast from the time he wakes up to the time he goes to sleep.

"Come get me..."
Thanks to watching Gymboree's Brave Elephant and His Friends countless times, he now gallops, hops and roll-over on command. He's sorta like our pet but better. We never get tired of his various animal impressions, namely the frog, the giraffe, the monkey, the elephant and the dog.
"This is how i gallop!"
It's funnier in real time of course.
Sometimes he surprises me with his cognitive abilities. He doesn't say much but he always understands my instructions. For example, when i ask "where is the train?" he'll point to the train. When i say "give mama the train", he'll take the train and put it into my hands. The quiet observer learns everything i do, so i must be quite careful to model myself well.
"I look pretty handsome when i don't do my snorty grin right?"
At 14 months, he is 10kg and 80cm tall. That's 25th percentile and 75th percentile respectively according to the WHO chart. I'm quite resigned to the fact that he'll never be fat till he turns 30. He was such a good eater (note the past tense). But eating has now become a daily challenge. Mainly because of the strong need to gain control of feeding time, which means that he chooses what to eat, and how to eat. No longer can we shaft food down quickly and neatly, now it's food flying here and there, whining and avoiding the spoon especially when being fed something he doesn't like. I guess I should be happy that Mountain Boy has a mind of his own but sometimes I do wish it can be neater and faster so we can just "get on with the programme".

Typical cry when he doesn't get his way.
Sleeping wise, he is still on 2 naps. But the first nap is getting longer, and the 2nd one shorter. I believe he is on his way to consolidating the naps but i still like the 2 naps schedule because then i can take him out to lunch. So i really am in no hurry to convert him. He sleeps about 12.5 to 13.5 hours total now.
Mr Cool.
The PD said that physically he is doing great. But the greatest threat to his health right now is accidents. Kids his age have no concept of danger so they do get themselves into pretty precarious situations. So there's no room for negligence although it's quite impossible to keep an eye on him all the time when I'm alone trying to do multiple things.
Anyway, hope you've enjoyed the pictures i've posted. We went for a family photoshoot end september and I finally got round to posting them.