This is very very delayed, but i only just got hold of the pictures from a friend who so kindly took pictures for us at this year's Halloween party.
I put together 3 simple ninja costumes using black and red cloths. Because i knew Mountain Boy would refuse to put on the hood, i figured he could be an apprentice of some sort, so i sewed on some ninja star darts made out of tin foil on his outfit.
His outfit held through the entire night but ours didn't. Funny story. We put on our hoods upon entering the house and then we were greeted by a bunch of people in weird/scary costumes, that coupled with multiple balloons bursting proved to be too much for Mountain Boy so he burst into a super loud siren-like wail almost instantaneously. Luckily the friend managed to snap a couple of pics of us in our full gear during the commotion.

We only got 2m into the front door before Mountain Boy burst into tears.

"Get away from me you scary bandit! Hiak hiak!"
"Look! It's mama!"
3 ninjas
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