This was already when he was almost sewn up. It had only occurred to be to take a picture then. Dr WC had already done two layers below this.

Poor baby fell asleep.

All done, covered in neosporin. Had to cut open his T-shirt in order to change him into his Pajamas.

Ouch ouch ouch ... luckily you were there to serenade him while the op was going on. The thread will eventually dissolve or he'll have to see a doctor again to remove it?
Awww.. I feel so bad for Mountain Boy!!!!! Wishing him a speedy recovery! Such a brave little boy.
that looks really nasty but u and MB were so brave! kudos to u babe. ur heart must have been torn a million ways but u rose above it all. *hugs*
OMG what a horrible scare! It is a blessing he was so brave on the journey to the hospital. I'm sure that really helped make this better. Hope he gets better soon. HUGS!
And I feel like punching that Chairman person! What's up with that guy?!
So heart pain for him. He is a brave boy. Take care babe. Wish Dylan a speedy recovery.
Jane> only the top layer has to be removed, the ones in the inner layers will dissolve.
Jenlovesbal> Thank you he is much better already.
Gerry> I know God must have given me super mommy strength then if not i don't know how i could have managed.
corsage> Yes he was very well behaved on the long 1 hr journey. A lot of things could have gone worse but it didn't so i'm thankful. And yes chairman got an earful from me.
Esther> Thank you dear. he is feeling much better already.
Oh dear I teared looking at the cut... Very heart pain for him! It's a super deep cut. You know to avoid seafood for him right? Otherwise will itch and risk infection.
Give the boy a big hug for me. He's so brave.
My heart almost stopped when I saw the pics! Poor MB and he is very brave! I hope he gets better soon. And you are brave too, I am sure I would have been crying buckets.
Oh no, that looks nasty. Dylan is such a brave boy. And props to you for holding it all together so well.
goodness, we heard about it yesterday..poor boy. hope he is ok now. wish bb dylan recovers me if u need any help ok?
hbmb> okay noted no seafood for 10 days! Thanks...
Chee> At some point i did wanna break down but i just had to snap out of it.
Daphne> Thanks dear. Hope u had fun in Disney!
Qoofamily> Thank you dear.
poor baby! I hope he's back to his sunny self now!
Ouch!!! What a brave boy he was. And so grateful that a competent doctor was able to step up and take over.
How long will the recovery take?
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