Friday, 10 June 2011
Man bag
I bought this kenneth cole reaction bag in america about a decade ago, lucky I didn't throw it out after all these years. Its now my supplies bag when we go for a short walk. I put diapers, wet wipes, water bottle and some light snacks. Mountain boy insists on carry this bag whenever we go out. He drags it on the floor a little but it makes me laugh.
Update on the baby
Since the baby announcement, I haven't really said much about the pregnancy. I must say that this pregnancy is a little worse than the first one. Probably a combination of age and having an older boy to run after.
I'm glad to report that everything is going very well. The baby is growing and healthy. We had a scan last tuesday and the sonographer said this one is most likely a girl. I can't believe our luck. We were expecting to hear that it's another boy because of Mountain Man's ancestral history of men breeding boys, and boys breeding more boys. So we were shell shocked when we were told it's most likely going to be a girl.
WE WERE THRILLED. Mountain Man's "X" swimmers didn't let me down afterall.
We are still brainstorming names. We initially wanted Jade, but we're leaning towards Sienna for now. Ideas are welcomed. =)
Thursday, 9 June 2011
The family went for a short weekend getaway to Hangzhou over the Dragon Boat Festival. Mountain Man flew ahead of us for a work convention so that meant i had to travel with Mountain Boy by myself, and that's a real mammoth effort since i'm technically flying with 2 kids!

To prepare him mentally, i made the huge mistake of overexciting him with the aeroplane ride a day before and he threw a massive fit because he wanted to take the aeroplane there and then. Took a few phonecalls from Mountain Man in Hangzhou to pacify him. He is a little "cray-cray" (for readers above 30, "cray cray" is the slang for crazy that i just learnt) over transportation at the moment.
Surprisingly on the day of travel itself he was on his A+ Star Student behaviour. Held my hand the entire time we were at the airport, waited in line for his turn at the immigration, ate his meal, drank his milk, took a nap. I think he was afraid of getting "left behind" so he followed the rules to the letter. Lucky for me. The universe rewarded his excellent behaviour with a short bus ride from the aeroplane to the terminal, we never take the public bus in China so this was a real treat for him.

The trip to Hangzhou was fabulous. He has clearly matured because this trip was way easier than the others. Slept better,ate better, and he had a ball even though we were pretty much rained out.
Some quick pictures:
I was the kiasu tourist mother who insisted on taking a picture with the aeroplane even though we were flocked into the cabin in order to avoid delays. Mountain Man was quite embarrassed but i wanted to create a memory for our son!
Mountain Boy's first non-squinty smile.
He loved swimming so he wanted us to take him again but we couldn't cos it was raining.

Instead we brought him to some funny but not in a good way underground military museum. We ended up just taking jumping pictures of Mountain Boy the whole time.

Here's another... "Hip Hip... Haazhou!"

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