To prepare him mentally, i made the huge mistake of overexciting him with the aeroplane ride a day before and he threw a massive fit because he wanted to take the aeroplane there and then. Took a few phonecalls from Mountain Man in Hangzhou to pacify him. He is a little "cray-cray" (for readers above 30, "cray cray" is the slang for crazy that i just learnt) over transportation at the moment.
Surprisingly on the day of travel itself he was on his A+ Star Student behaviour. Held my hand the entire time we were at the airport, waited in line for his turn at the immigration, ate his meal, drank his milk, took a nap. I think he was afraid of getting "left behind" so he followed the rules to the letter. Lucky for me. The universe rewarded his excellent behaviour with a short bus ride from the aeroplane to the terminal, we never take the public bus in China so this was a real treat for him.

The trip to Hangzhou was fabulous. He has clearly matured because this trip was way easier than the others. Slept better,ate better, and he had a ball even though we were pretty much rained out.
Some quick pictures:
I was the kiasu tourist mother who insisted on taking a picture with the aeroplane even though we were flocked into the cabin in order to avoid delays. Mountain Man was quite embarrassed but i wanted to create a memory for our son!
Mountain Boy's first non-squinty smile.
He loved swimming so he wanted us to take him again but we couldn't cos it was raining.

Instead we brought him to some funny but not in a good way underground military museum. We ended up just taking jumping pictures of Mountain Boy the whole time.

Here's another... "Hip Hip... Haazhou!"

1 comment:
How has your pregnancy been my dear?
I LOLed at him wanting to go on the plane 'there and then'. Very very familiar scenario ;)
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