So back to my almost 2 yr old.
He is absolutely positively bonkers about vehicles. In Singapore he is content with daily trips to the mall via the public transport. In fact it's a reward we used often to make him go to sleep, "Take your nap ok? We'll take the bus afterwards."

But his biggest treat this trip was our visit to the Alexander Fire Station located next to Queensway Shopping Centre, open to the public from 9-11am every Saturday morning. Big, small, long short... all sorts of civil defence vehicles to create havoc in. On some days, the fireman can hoist u up the ladder up to 8 storeys high!!

Firemen Mountain Boy and Cousin ready for the next mission!
They even give u a helmet for keepsake. Mountain Boy wanted to wear it all the time so i had to bring it back to Beijing.

Maa, can i have this one instead?
Didnt know that the Alexander Fire Station is open to public on Saturday. hee!
I stay very near there.
You should go Amanda will enjoy it!
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