Tuesday 16 October 2007

Wedding Planning- Why i love my friends

We finally made progress in wedding planning, after slacking for soooo long...
Esther calls me the slackest bride and i couldn't agree more!

It's not easy trying to get things going when i'm not physically in Singapore. Les and i have been doing a lot of brainstorming, think of things to do but then we really haven't done much except thinking.

Today, i gathered a wonderful task force who are willing to participate in making this holy matrimony happen, and it signals a great start.

Thing about getting people to help is that its always a big dilemma. Don't ask also u scared to leave them out, but then ask also scared kenna rejected. It's just such a relief to know that there are people out there whom I haven't totally been there for, but then they are still willing to help.

In our opinion, wedding planning should be fun, it shd be relaxed, everybody should enjoy being part of the process. And if anyone should feel stressed, don't be because Les and I are more than happy to have friends to just share the occasion with, there is no report card saying u did a good job or a bad job. We'll love u and we want u to keep loving us back, that is most important.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is already sounding fun, with no expectations set right from the beginning....woohoo....yes i totally agree on the no stress motto..have heard painful stories...