Thursday 11 October 2007

Our Journey to the West....

Les and I were holidaying in the Yunnan Province (Lijiang and Shangrila) this october golden week. Lijiang and Shangrila are the few remaining places in China where the minority groups still thrive, by minority i mean non-han, the remainders of the genghis khan clan... The air is fresh, scenery untainted, and the place is thick with culture. U can call it the utopia of china.

Here's a collection of our favourites...




Ada.Ada.Aja said...

who took those pics oh my goodness they are so soooo cooolll.. the puppy made my jaw drop (other pics too but of course you know how dog-mad i am)... oh my goodnes. did you take those pics with your point and shoot. they are just so way beautiful. sorry i am so awed by the pics i am no longer using the correct punctuations. haha =D

Ada.Ada.Aja said...

btw, there were some pics where you really look like your sista leh... =DDD