Monday 9 March 2009

all about the names

On my way to paris this year, i sat next to this wise chinese guy who told me tht he believes the name of a child will set precedence over the life this child is going to have. Guess wht his child's name is? FEI LONG. as in flying dragon. He must really want his son to be ferocious and scaly-and not to mention a frequent flyer.

According to him, it doesn't apply to english names. But tht's not to say it's OK to name ur son Willy, or Billboard, or Rambo.

So anyway, i know u must wonder if we have names for Tamagotchi. Of course we do!

If we have a boy, our boy will be named Dylan. After Bob Dylan.

And if we're having a girl, she will be Jade, named after Mick Jagger's daughter Jade Jagger (her full name is Jade Sheena Jezebel Jagger) but of course we won't do the whole shebang, Sheena Jezebel just doesn't go with Ng. But the idea is for our girl to be the daughter of a rockstar, haha.

People usually give the thumbs up for Dylan (although some say it reminds them of 90210 Dylan), we get more question marks on Jade. It doesn't matter. U can name ur kids whtver u want when u have ur own. Let us name our kids whatever WE want.

This brings me to a recent conversation i had with a long lost friend. She told me that Jade reminds her of Jade Goody- a british reality star dying of cervical cancer. She suggests another name - Siobahn. Okay when i saw the name i wasn't even sure how to pronounce it. Of course i politely declined her offer and told her tht i'd stick to Jade.

but wht i really wanted to say was, she can keep tht name for her own daughter. Better still she can name her son Siobak.

bitchy i know. it's the hormones talking.


Corsage@A Dollop Of Me said...

Hey I think Jade is a pretty name :) You guys are fast - we haven't narrowed down to any names yet, and every time we talk about it, we end up coming up with the most ridiculous ones and laughing our heads off!

Anonymous said...

Cousin Shannon was worried bb would be named Tamgotchi .. She was about to "discuss this with Lester in the Msn" she told me

Gingerblossom said...

My cousin's called Jade too! It's a lovely name. Dylan has this SJI-boy ring to it

Anonymous said...

ahahahah. good on you woman. 'Siobhan' in asia is just dying to be made fun of in all terrible ways!!!!

for every name, there is a good and bad connotation. pick one that you can yell daily for the next 10years. :D

Anonymous said...

Siobak!! Hahahaha!!!

Not many people can pronounce my son's name actually. huh huh huh.

lovexiaolongbao said...

corsage> actually we agreed on names really really long ago. it's on one of those lazy afternoons and we were talking cock as usual, talking about who our music idols and who we'd name our kids after. somehow we just came to an agreement!

Angie> haha. shannon so possesive!
Does she even know wht tamagotchi is?

Gingerblossom> Jade and Dylan sounds like siblings right? tht's how we decided, we wanted "matching" names.

imp> yeah lor! i was like HUH? u want my kid to be named after a dish? i love food but i don't love food tht much. i can definitely yell dylan and jade forever, but hopefully i won't have to!! haha.

lilsnooze> haha! it's not tht difficult wht. Mountain man actually proposed our 2nd son to be named Nathaniel (boy does he think far ahead).

Anonymous said...

She does, as her daddy bought her first Tamagotchi when we were in Singapore for your wedding dinner.But
she discovered she lost it on the way to Changi Airport. Probably some house keeping lady in Four-Seasons is still feeding it..hehe
I rem u told me abt Dylan n Jade long long ago.. I like these names.

Shannon made me type the following:
"Ah guo, do u want to use Demi for boy, use Tom for boy , Lucas for boy, Crystal for girl ahh?
Can u goggle information on Pregnancy so u can know more about babies."
*Notice she chose so many boys' names. She told lester is boy wor..She said if cousins, she wan boys.. but if her siblings,,she wans all sisters worr..

Mimi said...

oooh i like the choices!

btw "dylan" i think unisex. there is a female character named dylan in desperate housewives.

lovexiaolongbao said...

angie: shannon has alot of ideas doesn't she! let's see in 3 weeks time, i hope i'll know if i'm having a dylan or a jade!

sally cinnamon> u're right! dylan is unisex. One of the charlie's angels is a Dylan too! and i love love love desperate housewives. Dylan is Catherine's daughther.

hobomobo said...

Jade is waaaay better than Siohbak.

But I totally buy that 'suan bi hua' thing for Chinese names. Mine is calculated according to my 'Ba Zi' too.

yAnn said...

Siobak is bitchiness to the max hahahahaha.

I've got two nephews named Dylan - both are chatty, naughty and extremely hilarious. I have no doubt your Dylan will be the same. ;)

My son will be named Jason heh heh heh.

lovexiaolongbao said...

hobomobo> nah. i dun believe in anything like tht... If u believe, it'll matter. if u don't believe, it won't matter. tht's my stand lor.

Yann> oh yeah u mentioned tht u have nephews named Dylan. Hope u'll have a jason soon! quick quick.