Thursday 12 March 2009

i'm my own superhero

Some events have happened recently which led me to conclude that i cannot control my temper and need for an immediate solution to "right" the "wrong". I'm not saying that my standards of right and wrong is universally accepted. I just cannot let go until i do something about it.

It's good for me. It's cathartic. I bitch too much behind people's backs. I used to be the queen of passive aggressive. but now i'm not that anymore. I confront. I speak out. Partly because i think pregnancy has lifted my self-restraints. I feel like i need to get rid of scums and idiots so my(our) baby will live in a better world. I'm dramatising a bit but u get the point.

Take chain mails for example. I don't normally mind chain mails if it's entertaining- silly quizzes and personality tests, funny comics, touching stories... And i don't mind if the consequence of not forwarding a certain chain email to 999 people on my mailbox reads something like "bad sex for 10 years" or "no winning in mahjong for the next 20 rounds".

But last night i received one that crosses the line in my books.

The picture is of this hindu god and goddess looking thing... (i won't post it cos frankly, it's v. eerie looking)

and the message reads something like. " XX ignored this email and 10 days later his son died, YY lost his job. ZZ who forwarded to 13 friends received a promotion..."

so when i read the thing i looked at the picture again to make sure i didn't miss any jokes. and when i realised there were NO jokes, i freaking unleashed my wrath upon the sender, and of course i cced everyone else who was in tht chain mail.

Who sends such malicious emails to friends?

Best still, i looked further at her so called 'friends' who sent her the email, they even dared to sign off with "best regards", or "have a nice day".

Say i over reacted. but i always have the excuse of my hormones raging. convenient eh?


hobomobo said...

These emails are so boliao. I usually delete rightaway. Haha. I would love to see your reply on this!

lovexiaolongbao said...

hobomobo: i basically told her tht it's inconsiderate and she shd think twice before sending emails of such nature. i wanted to be OFF her list, for good.

Anonymous said...

YAYY! good on you! i also scold people who send me stupid chain mails. wahahahahhaha.

like all those sms text for pple to donate blood? i will actually call the hospital to verify that none such person exist, or no more blood is needed. then i'll text the sender the updated information and tell the person to check the facts before sending such a thing.

hobomobo said...

Hmm... I am superbly passive-aggressive. I ignore, cos replying smses or emails for such causes waste a lot of time.

lovexiaolongbao said...

imp> yeah! how can pple just forward such things blindly. they're basically ruining their own credibility.

hobomobo> if it doesn't bother u tht much then ok la, i guess u can just trash it. but this one really ticked me off.

Unknown said...

hahah! I usually delete such emails and look at me! Me, my family and loved ones are still very much alive and kicking. Just ignore lah... can't help it when the bo liaos want to do their thing.

Chill! Think of happy thoughts for tamagochi :)