Tuesday 25 May 2010

Excuses are for the weak

At the start of this entry, i wrote a very long illustrious demeaning entry on China Post, but i deleted everything cos it got to convoluted and too long. My point is actually short and sweet.

I know i complain a whole lot, but bad service really tops my Pet Peeves chart. I've had a package mis-delivered from USA and it took me close to 3 days to investigate before finally retrieving it, no thanks to the wonderfully dumb staff of China Post.

They are really not stupid, just really lazy to use their brains most of the time. Because i was so upset with the whole process, i lodged a complaint and the icing on the cake was that i also want to complain about the complaint officer. He made nothing but excuses- system limitations, US counterparts made a mistake etc etc. All BS. I told him bluntly that "excuses are for the weak, China can never improve by making excuses." And it's true. Excuses are made when you don't want to change, when you fear consequences. China obviously still has a long way to go...

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