Wednesday 12 May 2010

Letter to Mountain Boy: Happy 8 months...

Dear Mountain Boy,

Can't believe you are 8 months already!! Time really flies. Do you know that you are exactly how i imagined you to be? You are cheerful, playful and very fun-loving. On top of that you are also quite problem free- u eat and sleep relatively well, and developmentally you are normal if not slightly quicker in some aspects. I really have God to thank for giving me such a wonderful son.

Since becoming a crawler, you have become a lot more independent and you show no signs of separation anxiety. But i know you still love me because you will always crawl back and snuggle up.

Today you've attended your first baby gym class and you did exceptionally well. One of the baby girls was actually very forthcoming and wanted to hug you but you rejected her outright. Instead you crawled to another girl across the room who had long curly hair. Maybe she reminds you of mommy?? (i have long curly hair now). In the future, you need to learn some courting skills from your dad ok? He is quite smooth, that's how he got mommy. tsk tsk.

By the time you read this letter you will probably be quite grown-up and who knows maybe rebellious, but i hope my entries about you will remind you of how much i love you.

Always remember that mommy made you from scratch, so love yourself too.



Jane said...

"Learn courting skills" from the daddy ... LOL!!

Daphne said...

Its been 8 months? unbelievable. He's learning to pick pretty girls eh.

lovexiaolongbao said...

Jane> haha, i didn't really mean it.

Daph> guess what, the girl lives in our estate!