Sunday 13 June 2010

Cheap Good Fun

I remember making myself a resolution some time ago that i wouldn't spend too much money on toys unless it's necessary, or a special occasion. It's so tempting to just pick up a toy at the department store to entertain Mountain Boy, especially when things are so cheap. But i really don't want to spoil him too much so I've been thinking of creative ways to have fun without spending and accumulating too much barang barang.

We've been making an effort to reuse some household items and turn them into DIY toys. Mountain Boy especially love "playing drums" with his used milk cans. My latest project is a cardboard house carved out of an air-filter box. It's not perfect, he can barely stand in it but it was fun doing this together.

Mountain Boy's bachelor pad has 2 windows, front and back doors and 2 makeshift sofas made out of styrofoam.

He held a housewarming party and invited the Nanny and I.

He is almost as tall as the box! He prefers crawling round the box looking through the windows rather than actually being IN the house.

Another good way to have fun is to window shop at toy department stores and play with the display sets. It may sound very cheapo but trust me, kids somehow prefer something they can't have. Same reason why Adam and Eve only wanted the forbidden fruit. It's also very bonding for the family because we make an effort to take Mountain boy out and spend quality time together.

This sunday for example, we spent an afternoon at Decathlon (a department store selling sporting goods) and tested out all the different gadgets and balls without spending a single cent!
Mountain boy enjoying a makeshift ride in the shopping cart.

Faster faster!

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