Friday 25 June 2010

A healthy appetite

We're very lucky that Mountain Boy has an extremely good appetite. I'm still learning the ropes of preparing and experimenting with baby food so sometimes i do screw up his meals, but he finishes them like it's the most delicious delicacy in the world.

I have been slowly introducing finger foods into his diet. Not only will it improve his hand-eye coordination, it also encourages self-feeding and discourages over-feeding.

The first few tries were rather "gripping" because he almost choked on the larger morsels, but he has so far managed to spit them out without us having to physically intervene. He now has chopped up pears, avocados, banana and small teared up pieces of bread, usually for breakfast and teatime.

Useful tip: if you find the pieces too slippery, dust them in baby rice cereal or crushed up cheerios before serving.

Here's a video of him gobbling up his afternoon pear. We've also been teaching him baby sign language, so he does a sign of "more" (doing a baby five with both hands) towards the end of the video.

Momma's so proud of ma boy.

Caution: If you are thinking of introducing finger foods to your baby, please make sure u watch him at all times. If he chokes, don't put on a panic face, try to hit him on the back somewhere in between the shoulder blades and neck to help regurgitate. Read up more information on Baby Led Weaning before proceeding.

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