Saturday 1 October 2011

Back online!

I'm finally back online. By online i mean with vpn access, by vpn access i mean access of Facebook, Blogger and the interesting world out there that China doesn't block. Because i haven't had vpn access for a long time, i've limited my surfing to sites which China deems as "safe", so for me that basically means ebay, and ebay is not "safe" for me (at this point i don't know if you're still following my train). In fact ebay can be quite damaging.

Anyway, my 1.5 yr old Mac Book Pro's hard disk crashed. Electronics don't go together with Lovexiaolongbao, my friend's Mac lasted her almost 4 yrs and it's still going strong. I had to spend quite a lot of money to get it fixed, but luckily i managed to save all of Mountain Boy's photos and videos before the hard disk was rendered 100% unusable.

It's the October Holidays in China now. We're really excited because we're expecting 4 esteemed guests in our household. Mountain Man's brother's family is coming to visit and Mountain Boy is going to have a wonderful time with his cousin! I'll be super busy but in a good way. Hopefully i'll find time to blog.

Oh oh! And i forgot to update progress on my pregnancy. The baby is now 32 weeks, 2.07 kg and get this, SHE HAS HAIR!!! During the ultrasound the sonographer pointed out a halo of floating hair around the outline of her skull. Must be the regular bird's nest intake. Less than 2 months to go. Can't wait can't wait!


Jennie said...

How often do you take bird's nest? She's heavy for 32 weeks! I am 35 weeks and my little one is only 2kg. Maybe I need to start taking bird's nest too. Hehe.

lovexiaolongbao said...

Hello Jennie,

sorry for the late reply. I was taking it for quite a while on and off since 6 mths. Maybe this but is my 2nd so my womb has stretched so more space for bub to grow?

Anonymous said...

OH! You're pregnant! Congrats! :P

lovexiaolongbao said...

this blended baby!